Hitchhiking - Jack

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 I waited along the edge

                        of the road, walking along,

                                    probably only just an hour’s

                        walk from the summery

city of Miami, Florida. I was

                        sure to remain alert, watching

                                    each vehicle to make sure

                        it was one that would be safe

to catch a ride on. I knew

                        that plenty were probably cops

                                    on the search for me. It

                        might be easier to spot those,

since they wouldn’t figure

                        I’d have been smart enough

                                    give myself a makeover so

                        that they wouldn’t have as easy

a time of catching me. Like

                        they would, anyway. The cops

                                    were way too easy to get

                        around. They overlooked anyone

with hair and eye colors

                        that didn’t match the perp they

                                    were searching for. They

                        stopped bothering teens who tried

to hitchhike. It was much

                        easier to just say they’re done

                                    trying to bring them back

                        in. My point with that was that it

wouldn’t be all that hard to

                        escape this place, so long as I

                                    got a ride soon enough

                        that was going very far away

from Miami and all the way

                        out in sunny, beautiful

                                    California. Maybe, there,

                        I would have some hope in

making something of

                        myself while I was out somewhere

                                    new and intriguing, a

                        place that I’d never even been to,

a place to restart.

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