Temporary Home - Jack

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Temporary Home


We got into Austin later

on in the afternoon. 

The radio was on, and 

Glad You Came was

blaring inside the truck.

Justin and I were

laughing and enjoying

ourselves while we

slowly made our way to

his home. We pulled

into a simple brick

apartment complex.

We got out of his truck;

he brought me up

five floors before brining

me down the hallway

to the apartment where

he lived at. He told me,

before we went in, that

he unfortunately didn't

have enough money yet

to get a place to himself,

so he lived there with his

dad. I told him that was

fine with me. I didn't mind.

His job must not have

paid a lot.

Justin opened the door

once he unlocked it.

Dad, I'm home. I

found a new friend.

Do you mind if he

stays here until he

can find his relatives

that live here in the


A man of maybe 40

walked into the living

room area. He had the

same eyes as Justin,

except they seemed a

little more guarded.

I guess so, so long

as he isn't mooching.

He won't be, Justin

said, looking at his

dad. He shouldn't

be here too long.

Well, good. The old

man turned to me.

What's your name,


"Jack," I said quietly,

kind of nervous around

this man. He seemed

like the generally angry

type of person. It scared

me just a little bit.

That's a good name.

I will give you a week

before I will start to

charge you rent for

living at this place,


I started to nod, but

Justin stepped in.

Dad, I'll pay for him

to stay here. He won't

be able to get a job

that fast, not with this

kind of economy.

I realized he was

willing to make this my

temporary home.

His father sighed.

Whatever, son.

You can barely

even take care of

yourself. Justin's 

old man turned his 


That was the first

time I'd seen Justin's

face get so red.

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