Of Roadways and Relationships - Jack

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Of Roadways and Relationships


            I woke up in the morning

to the sound of Justin

            showering. I groaned as

I woke up. Memory

            reminded me that I was

in a motel room. It

            was quiet for the most

part this morning.

            The sound of running

water stopped. I

            heard Justin get out of

the shower, and a few

            moments later, he stepped

out in nothing but the

            towel around his waist.

I realized he had a

            very nice body, actually.

He was kind of built.

            His muscles were defined,

so I guess he was

            working in mostly hard

labor. His hair was still

            dripping with water.

            Good morning, sun-

shine. I see you're

            awake now. He smiled.

He was really at

            ease with being half

naked. It surprised

            me a lot to find this out.

            "Oh, um... Hi." I felt

embarrassed to say

            the least right now.

For some reason, I

            wanted to blush upon

seeing this guy that

            I barely knew without

almost anything on.

            I hadn't really felt like

this before, but I

            supposed it wasn't

all that strange of me.

            I just needed to

get my clothes

            and then we can

get back on

            the road to Austin.

Justin beamed

            a big smile at me

before he got

            his clothes and

went back into

            the bathroom.

            I got changed

as well and

            as soon as he

got out, we took

            the keys back

to the main

            office, and we

got back on

            the road again.

            I started thinking

about what I

            was going to do

when I got

            into Austin and

where I would

            go from there,

but Justin ended

            up clouding up

my thoughts. I

            couldn't think of

a single other

            thing, not even a

little bit.

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