Double Steal - Ace

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Double Steal


It was maybe around midnight.

            I woke up to the sound of Summer's voice.

                        Get up, Acey. We're out of gas.

I groaned, not in the mood

            to hear that kind of news. Not now, anyway.

                        "Well, what do you want me to

                        do about it?"

She laughed, knowing how

            I sound when I'm tired and moody.

                        Nothing. We're going to have

                        to find a different car, hon.

The question was, where

            were we? I looked around, finding

                        nothing worth staring at so far.

                                    It was mostly fields. So fun.

                        "Where are we going to find

                        one in a place like this?"

                        It's called searching.

She was right, no matter

            how much of a smartass comment

                        it was, so I got out of the vehicle.

We walked for maybe

            a half mile before we came across

                        another old diner, kind of like the

                                    one we hit up some time back.


I knew what she wanted.

            It would mean hotwiring unless the

                        owner was miraculously stupid

                                    enough to leave their keys.

She started to search.

            Within a few minutes, she found a

                        beautiful little hotrod that was

                                    unlocked. She hopped in

                                                the driver's seat and worked

                                                            her magic on it, getting it

                                                                        running faster than the last one.

Suddenly, she had me in

            the passenger's seat, and we were

                        off to keep going to wherever.

                                    I didn't even feel bad for the

                                                person we stole from. All

                                                            I cared about now was

                                                                        making it back to Jack.

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