Love Nest - Jack

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Love Nest


After Justin cooled off,

he brought me to his

room. He was careful not

to take me by the hand,

I realized. I couldn’t figure

out why, though.

This is my room, Justin

said, gesturing around

inside the smallish room.

It had a smaller full bed

off in the corner with a

quaint little closet on the

opposite side of it. There

was a desk with a basic,

somewhat old computer

on it. The walls had a few

posters here and there but

were bare for the most part.

He shut the door behind us.

I smiled. “This is really nice,

Justin. It beats my room.”

I sat on the edge of the bed,

smiling at him sincerely.

I felt a kind of bliss coming

from this place, like I might

actually be happy somewhere

for once. I can’t stay here

forever, though. After this

realization hit me,  my happy

thoughts sobered down just

a bit. I hated the idea of feeling

so sad, especially in front of

Justin, so I kept a smile on my

face, if only for him.

Justin walked over to me

and sat next to me. He sat his

hand on top of mine. Sorry

about the whole thing. He

began to whisper. I told you

how my dad could get about

this kind of thing.

I nodded. “I know. It’s okay.

I’m not upset and understand

the situation. I’m just glad I’m

not stuck on the side of the

road anymore.”

He nodded at that time.

Yeah, well, I’m glad I

found you. I never picked up

hitchhikers before. I just kinda

hoped you weren’t gonna be

an axe murderer or something.

I laughed. “An axe murderer?


Mmhm. He grinned at me.

Anyhow, he said, Welcome

to the love nest, where you

will be spending the next while.

Love nest? I thought about it.

I liked the sound of it a lot and

smiled at him. “I’m glad to be

here—in the love nest.”

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