On the Road to Somewhere - Ace

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On the Road to Somewhere


I sat in the passenger’s seat

next to Summer, who drove

with a nonchalance that said

she didn’t give a damn that

we had stolen a vehicle. She

had told me that we, very

quickly, needed to get away

from the city as soon as we

could, that way we couldn’t

be caught about stealing the

vehicle, so long as we acted

naturally enough, we wouldn’t

be stopped. That’s what she

told me, anyhow. I listened.

We had the radio on some

rock station that I can’t

remember the name of for

the life of me. It wasn’t all

that important to me, since

I was trying to figure out

how we’d get in touch with

Jack. I hadn’t thought about

it before. Now, it haunted me.

Hey, Acey. You got a clue

where we should get to

going? Summer turned to

me just a bit as she was

driving. She had an ability

to pay attention to more than

one thing a time. It was a bit

scary, though, I’ll admit.

I shook my head. “Mm-mm.

Not a clue. Where do you

think we should go to?”

She grinned, staring back

at the road, now. I think

that sunny California sounds

nice to me, don’t you think?

Cali will be less likely to

hassle us than any other

place, you know?

I nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”

It was definitely the farthest

from home. I wondered how

long Summer planned on

driving this nice car. At

some point, I figured we’d

have to abandon it and

do some dangerous

hitchhiking from there on.

I mostly hoped more than

anything that it’d be worth

it in the end. I really did.

Don’t worry. We’ll make

it out of here safely.

Summer smiled and put

one hand on top of mine

and patted it, definitely

trying to comfort me, like

she already knew that I

was having problems

coping with what might

be ahead of us. She knew.

It was still dark, but I

don’t remember what time

it was. I just remembered

eventually growing tired

and falling asleep, leaning

against the door of the car.

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