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Ever felt like something bad was going to happen?

It was the feeling that gnawed at my guts the very minute I woke up. The feeling was horrible, twisting my guts into knots. I couldn't even eat or do anything that could rid me off of the awful feeling.

" Hey! Princess! Snap out of it, " yelled Barion, panting harshly.

He had twin daggers held in a defensive manner, threatening to strike.

I snapped out of my reverie, shaking my head as if to clear my head. We were in the training fields as usual and I was sparring with Barion who was currently scowling at me.

" I can't, okay!" I retorted angrily. Mirra growled at him in warning.

" Tell your pet to calm down, would you?" he said, pushing back the strands of hair that were falling to his eyes.

I glared heatedly at him, my jaws clenched. Mirra prowled around him, her body poised for attack. That really struck a nerve. Mirra was far from being a pet. She was loyal, kind and protective. Yes she had her shortcomings but nothing was perfect. She was my Kippi in every sense of the word. She was the sister I never had.

" She has a name, " I glared at him, eyes gleaming indignantly.

" Cut it out you too!" yelled Namira jogging to where we were sparring. " Save the anger for those who deserve it."

" Hey, I don't have the problem. It is our darling Princess who has the problem," he gripped in irritation.

A very big part of me wanted to ignore Namira's words and go ahead and attack Barion but I knew it was the anger drilling the idea in my mind.

I was better than that. My whole life I've been trained to suppress such animalistic desires. It would only succeed in making me look like a monster and I was far from that. Between my familiar and I, I had to be the rational one.

And Mirra was not pleased with my hesitation. She fixed her glare at Namira, having realised she was the reason why I was not attacking the one who dishonoured her.

'Keep calm, we cannot attack him,'the voice was but a whisper in her mind.

She snarled adamantly, her heart and mind set on tearing Bryson to shreds.

'Mirra, listen,' I hissed then went on, 'We cannot let him get to us. We are better than that,'I pleaded to her.

' I do not like him, at all. But for now I'll let this slide though I won't make a habit of it," was her brush response.

She immediately jogged away, lolling her tail in a proud manner. She wasn't going to let this go. No one pushed her to her limit and lived unscathed from her wrath and I couldn't stop her.

I regarded Barion with a narrowed stare, my lips in a straight line. " If there was a sense of honour in you, you would apologize to her. She will not forget this," I stressed.

" You going to tell me that your Feran holds grudges?" he raised a brow incredulously.

" Well don't say I didn't warn you, " I spat then stomped away, seething with anger.

I wanted to tell them of the bad feeling twisting my guts into knots but I knew they would think I'm paranoid. Even Mirra shared the same worries I had. We were both antsy, itching for a fight; Our primal instincts warning us.

I was about to step in the palace when I bumped into someone. We both groaned in pain.

" Sorry, " I said straightening up.

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