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Pic of Analisia

We left Terawynn at nightfall. The moment was bittersweet as I had to say farewell to Abariya. I had found her quite fetching and strangely beguiling. And I was even unashamed to admit that she had been my first real kiss.

I'd stolen plenty of kisses from the servants' children when I was young. No wonder they took the first chance to leave the palace when they were of age. The princess brute, they would call me.

And maybe I was a bully. Overpowering the poor boys and stealing their precious kisses. But that time had long passed and I was no longer the naughty, brutish princess. Okay maybe that was a bit of a lie.

I had to remind myself that it had only been a fleeting lust filled moment goaded by my weakness. It was never meant to last but only to tickle the senses just for a moment and I made piece with that and so did she.

The leader thanked us once more for delivering the news as well as bringing the antlers to them. And she agreed to ally us in the coming war much to our surprise.

We didn't have to travel through a body of water this time. Oriana conjured up a portal that appeared right out of nowhere. We all went through the portal then appeared in the garden of Atoria. Right next to the pond.

The gate keepers went ahead of us as we headed to the palace.

" I must say, I'm impressed, Princess, " started Domathian, a devious grin arching up his lips.

" What are you going on about?" Keonn asked innocently.

Domathian turned to him feigning shock. " Well our darling Princess has some wild zing to her. Man you should have seen her in action. "

My face blanched as I considered the possibility of him having spied on me when I was caught up in a moment with Abariya. I wouldn't put it past him to do so. After all, he had been pushing for me to fall into sin.

" I got to give it to you, love," he turned his head in my direction, " you're one hell of a kisser. I tell you the poor lass was about ready to marry you after that kiss. One thing is for sure, she'll never forget her fair maiden"

" Drop it already, " I groaned as I hid my flustered face in the palm of my hands." It will never happen, ever. "

" I don't know," he chuckled, " you seemed really into it. "

" Domathian!" I drop my hands from my face then glared at him. " It might not have crossed your mind but I'm already betrothed. If what I did reaches the ears of whom I am promised to it would cause an outrage in my Kingdom."

" Don't listen to him, your highness. He just wants to get you worked up for nothing." Zelda ran a comforting hand on the small of my back.

" What is this talk of being betrothed? We both know you wouldn't allow that to happen. Have some fun while you still can. We don't know the outcome of the coming war."

" Fine I kissed her, it's not as big of a deal as you make it out to be, " I huffed, annoyed.

" You kissed one of the sahëali? " Keonn stared at me mouth agape in shock.

" Well, " I started directing my stare to him," it was sort of impulsive. "

" Don't worry kiddo, you'll get to have your fair share of kisses stolen in the dark. I tell you once you start you'll never stop. "

" Quit frightening the innocent lad, casanova, " Zelda berated Domathian who only shrugged innocently.

When we entered the palace we went our separate ways to our bed chambers.

THE KEEPERS ( THE ORBS OF UTAH ) Where stories live. Discover now