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Pic of Barion

I was woken roughly from my sleep causing me to groan irritably. I wanted to skewer the being who had the gull to wake me up. Truly, father would be shocked to see how I was treated in this damned palace. Honestly, did the title, Princess, mean anything to them? Clearly not, otherwise I wouldn't be disrespected in such a way.

I should really consider sleeping with a dagger tucked under my pillow. Anyone who thought they could invade my privacy would have their throats slit open. I wouldn't even need the dagger. I had my claws after all.

I grudgingly awoke suppressing the urge to go back to sleep. I raked a hand through my hair, my eyes half opened.

" And what has possessed you to wake me up in what..." I glanced at the cloak mounted above the fireplace, " four in the moro. Truly you must have the courage of the gods."

The person snorted at my words. I hadn't bothered to see whom it was. Too busy nursing a headache to care.

" If I was truly favoured by the gods I wouldn't have my prisoner dead under a pool of her own blood on the floor. "

That was enough to chase away any sleep lingering through my body. Oriana and Arisydius stood by the sides of my bed. I chambered to the right side then got off the bed.

" Whatever do you mean?"

" Abransca's throat was slit open. She's dead, along with her child, " replied Arisydius.

" But...but how?" I was so confused. We had seen her a few days ago and she had been fine, healthy and well taken care of. She was probably the only prisoner to get three meals a day. She was clothed and given blankets for when the night got too chilly. She was practically living lavishly compared to other prisoners.

" I don't know how the killer was able to infiltrate a heavily warded palace without leaving a trace. We just found her now. Her body is cold, which could mean she was murdered at midnight," explained Oriana, tears rolling down her face.

" And now we have to inform the leader. It is only right," added Arisydius as she came round the bed only to pull Oriana in a warm embrace.

I opened the drawer of my nightstand and took out a handkerchief then handed it to Arisydius who offered it to Oriana. She sniffed, wiping off her tears.

" Her baby should have been spared. The two of them should've been spared. Despite which side she was on," stressed Oriana, more tears trailing down her face.

We all knew there was nothing we could have done to save the embryo. It had been a tiny thing still in the early stages of development. No magic could have saved the tiny little being. Well not that I knew of.

" It is done, gate keeper Oriana. We should really up the security in this place. I wish not to have the same fate as the sahëal, " I said, rubbing at her back soothingly.

" Go to the hall of Agathus. You'll find the others there. We will address you in a moment." Arisydius urged Oriana to leave with her and they left.

My heart fell for the sahëal. She deserved a great many things but not death. She had been set for trial where she would be punished accordingly. Not this. No warrior deserved to die like this.

I went to take a quick bath then threw on a wool knee-length dress, stockings and boots.

I braided my hair back, leaving it to rest over my chest. When I was done I dipped my index finger in kohli  then draw a line vertically from hairline to my chin. It was a mark that indicated grief and sorrow. The kohli was a face paint usually worn for such sorrowful events whereas the Kouhl was worn for joyous events.

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