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I couldn't for the life of me get any ounce of sleep that night. My nerves were strung tight like a harp and I was dreading every second of my restless night. I grew antsy thinking that any moment that vile fiend would come to our hut to gloat that he'd bedded a royal. And not only that but the slowly approaching morning would just bring us closer to the impending war.

Oh how I longed to cut his head clean off of his shoulders. Nothing would give me greater pleasure. I didn't care that he was a keeper, untrusted by the gods to keep safe one of the magical objects of immense power created by said gods. It mattered little to me that he supposedly fought for the light. I wanted his head on a pike.

I shifted into a sitting position as lying down was pointless at the time. I just wanted it to be early morning already. Do something a little productive than lying about hoping for the sleep that continued to evade me.

" Can't sleep?" asked Kelda, her voice groggy with sleep.

She was a very light sleeper as I had quickly learned. And now she was wide awake staring at me in concern like a sibling would.

" Can't the night pass by any faster. What is the use of it if it offers no comfort nor the sweet relief of slumber, " I groaned, raking a hand through my tangled hair.

" You can't blame the night for your restlessness. " She rose into a sitting position as well then released a heavy yawn. " It is this Domathian issue that has your hackles up. I can't blame you. It terrifies me that I had willingly conversed with such a creature. The Uffilians have caused thousands of deaths and still continue to do so. To look past what he is would be a betrayal to the family I lost. "

I gaped at her in shock processing what she just said. I couldn't imagine losing everyone I love. My mother's death still caused a sting to my heart. Losing several people at once would have shattered me.

" I'm sorry to hear about your family."

" It is alright. I've learned to survive on my own. It wasn't easy and sometimes I had to hustle just to get a measly meal but I pulled through with the aid of Neferas and her partner Sayena . She is a governess and in the employment of Queen Alateiyas of Lontramord. I learned a lot under her care and I also developed a love for books," she said with a fond smile quirked on her lips.

I found myself returning the smile, intrigued by the lass of Afeira. She held herself in a sure and confident way. She appreciated life and always seemed to look on the brighter side of things.

" We should probably go and bathe. It's already in the early hours of morning and we'll be heading out soon. "

We both got up and went to the hot springs to bathe. It wasn't surprising to see most of the warriors out and about, ready to tackle the journey to No Man's Land. Most probably couldn't sleep, wracked with war jitters.

Hell, my stomach was knotted something awful and I felt a wave of nausea threatening to overcome me. Outside I looked ill at ease but on the inside I was a mess. Everyone would be if they would face death in the coming days.

But I wanted more than anything to be strong. To help give strength to those who were close to surrendering to their fear.

It was a small fit to try to achieve but sometimes small things could make big differences. It was just a matter of believing in a positive outcome and helping others to do the same.

We silently bathed, allowing the songs of dawn to calm our nerves. It was such a beautiful morning belying the bloodbath that would soon take place. It was terrible to think that this could've been a typical morning at my Kingdom with only the thoughts of running through the forest consuming my mind and having Mirra convince me to race with her.

THE KEEPERS ( THE ORBS OF UTAH ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora