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I've always seen the gate keepers as  forces that could not be shaken by anything. Never in my life had I ever witnessed a gate keeper showing any weakness even when the situation forced many to break down either emotionally or physically.

Well that was until today.

Osydian had her back against the wall of the hut with bloodied scrapes marring her arms and knees. She had her face buried in her arms as she sobbed, heart wrenchingly so.

It terrified me seeing her like that and I wasn't the only one who was feeling that way. All the orb keepers were there. Unfortunately most of the gate keepers were off on their solo missions to recruit as many warriors as they could from different realms.

The only gate keepers left were Oriana and Osydian.

At this point I thought my mind would explode trying to think of anyone who was responsible for this. I knew this had Uffilians written all over it yet I had no idea how they were doing this.

The only Uffilian among us was in captivity. And I doubted he was responsible for this seeing that the cell he was held in sucked the magic right out of him. If he used any of his powers it would only speed up the process of his impending demise.

A hysterical scream tore me from my thoughts. Osydian had now risen with her hands braced against the wall, her eyes flying all over the place frantically.

" Get away from me, you witch. Get away!" she shouted in desperation. She sounded like a loony. I was terrified for her.

Gate Keepers were never meant to never show any weaknesses. They were our soldiers against the forces of evil. When they were weak it was a cause of great concern and fear in the realms of Celenia.

Not only did we look upon them for protection but they were guardians to the portals between worlds. The safe pathways that allowed for safe travelling.

With them powerless it meant taking risky portals conjured by sketchy nokuratus with sinister intentions. I knew for a fact that Domathian had transported the gate keepers to their destinations. At least we had him.

And now this was happening. It almost seemed like we were sinking into quick sand and the more we struggled to get out the quicker we sunk.

" There is a dark presence among us, " announced Carrah.

We all stared at her. " What are you on about?" I asked. " Or did you just say that to get some attention?"

She fixed with a piercing glare. " Don't start with me, Analisia. Not today. "

" Hey, you two!  Can you just forget about your rivalry for just a moment," chastised Ægas, glaring at us both." We have a situation here."

Osydian's horrified shrieks tore through the hut at the same time I felt a chill assaulting my skin. I shivered a bit pulling the cloak tighter around my body.

I frowned at the strange feeling. It was a very humid night. To have a random chill creeping into the room the same time Osydian screamed  'bloody murder' it was indeed unsettling.

Osydian suddenly lurched away from the wall then made to run for the exit. Ægas and Ebira were quick to stop her. She screeched in outrage, clawing at them.

" No, get away. Curse you, you murderer, " she yelled at nothing in particular. " I hate you, I hate you."

" We have to take her to our healers. They will know what to do, " said Amédulia.

" Somanca is a healer, " I pointed out.

" No, I can only heal wounds of the physical kind. This is beyond me."

THE KEEPERS ( THE ORBS OF UTAH ) Where stories live. Discover now