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Pic of Ægas

Unknown POV

Nothing was meant to last. That was what I lived by. Nothing could ever last with the way my life was going. I didn't even feel alive anymore. Not with the many strings controlling my body.

I'd died the moment Sir Renrik took me in then I became something else created by the uffilians. They twisted me up into something so wicked and unrecognisable. I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror.

Even though I wanted nothing to do with the destruction of the gate keepers I was forced to. And a part of me was addicted to that evil. Many were going to suffer for it. And one creature in this palace would begin to suffer from this evening till my Master got what he wanted. And that was the staff of Celenia.

I took one of the seeds, swallowing it with a wince, then washed it down with water. I didn't know what to expect which worried me. Narhïm liked to experiment a lot. Whatever side effects that I would no doubt get I would just have to deal with them, like I always did.

I started getting quite feverish as I unbuttoned my shirt, then shrugged it off my body. The pants soon followed. My throat burned like I had just swallowed a still burning coal.

I stood only in my under shorts which clung uncomfortably on me. My skin started heating up. I felt every part of me heat up like there was lava in my veins.

The burning only got hotter and hotter to almost unbearable magnitudes. I started scratching my arms and torso feeling like searing coals were shoved up inside me.

Steam drifted off of me and beads of sweat rolled down my form. A pain so excruciating hit me in the stomach. I doubled over from the pain. Biting my tongue to stop myself from screaming out loud.

I dragged myself with one hand, my focus on the bed a few feet away but to me it seemed miles away. My other hand was clutching my stomach. The minute I was close enough to the bed I clawed at the duvet then pulled it to myself. I shoved a piece of the cloth in my mouth to muffle the agonised screams that ripped out from my throat.

Wave after wave of scorching fire seared at me, sending my heart in a frenzy of beats.

The fire consumed all my thoughts, everything that made me cling to my old self. I could no longer feel anything apart from the burning flames piercing every inch of body.

It was unlike anything I've ever experienced before. No pain could quite compare to it. The pain was like a living entity surely meant to drive its prey into madness. It clawed at my insides relentlessly.

I howled as I felt the flames licking at my heart. The poor organ worked even harder, trying its hardest to fight off the pain until it gradually slowed its beats. Like it was finally giving up much like I'd given up on trying to be a better nokuratu.I was destined for Berheimia and I had long accepted that.

The blinding pain reduced me to a whimpering mess, and I wept silently as I waited for my fate. It looked like Narhïm wanted me to die after all. No surprises there.

He had grown tired of me. And he wanted me gone just like my parents did. A few days ago he had been singing a tune of all that he wanted to do for me and stupidly I fell for it. Should've known he was a liar. Every creature was a liar to the core of their being. It just took a very stupid being to believe the lies whispered in the night, in the heat of passion.

He'd gotten what he wanted from me and now he was discarding me like trash, just like he'd discarded other slaves before me.

I laughed humorlessly. I was giving up. And maybe I did deserve to die for my revolting misdeeds. I couldn't imagine anyone forgiving me for all that I have done. There was no redemption for my rotten soul.

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