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We gathered in a dome shaped hut nestled in the heart of the royal compound at noon. We were finally going to learn everything the gate keepers have been keeping from us.

It came as no surprise when Domathian didn't pitch up. For a moment I had thought he was different; that he was no longer going to run away from confrontations.

I was wrong, just as I was wrong  yesterday. After that passionate moment we shared I was disappointed to wake up and find myself in the hut I shared with kelda, with only the scent of him that confirmed that I did indeed give myself to him. That it was in no way a figment of my imagination.

I couldn't even allow myself to get infuriated by the way he handled things, as if I was just a common whore he wanted to rid himself of the moment he had his fix of me.

No, I should have resisted. I should have thought like a future Queen instead of thinking like a young adult with raging hormones.

There was just something about the way he touched me that ignited the inferno of lust and desire within me. All reason escaped me. All that had mattered was the feel of him against me.

He'd gotten what he wanted out of me. And like a fool I had blindly fell in his spell. I could never regain my purity. Something that I had prided myself with in all the years of my life. And I had lost it to an unworthy bastard.

If he thought I would act commonly and beg for him to love me he had another thing coming. I'd sooner die than let him think he got the better of me. If anything this was a wake up call for me. Now I truly knew how beastly he was.

As for being attracted to him it was a feeble thing that could easily fade away. What happened was a moment of weakness that I would see that it never happens again. A Queen of my stature shouldn't even be plagued by such trivialities.

I focused my attention to the gate keeper who stood before us, staring at us head on waiting for the questions to fly her way.

" I suggest you reveal all that you have been keeping from us. It is in our right to know," started Namira.

" I quite agree with Namira. We have been utterly truthful upon arriving at your palace. And we did nothing to warrant such mistrust from you," spoke Kelda.

" I hear you all and I understand how you feel. But I fear that once you learn the truth you will no longer have faith in us and each other. The truth will tear you apart," said the gate keeper in a solemn tone.

" It is better we know right now and maybe find ways to deal with whatever you're hiding from us than to keep us in the dark. It isn't fair to us." My head whipped in the direction of the one who spoke and I was surprised to find that it was Keonn. He had finally found his voice instead of not involving himself like he normally did.

He was forever plagued by what was done to him. He tried his best to act like he was fine in front of us but we could all see how much he was hurting. We just accepted that he would never be the same carefree boy we first met, but alas, this… him cooperating was indeed a good sign.

" Haven't you heard the phrase ' the truth shall set you free '? I would take it reached your ears over the centuries of your life. So out with it, we haven't got all day," snapped Carrah, impatiently.

The gate keeper released a deep sigh of frustration as she cast her face down, no doubt contemplating if she should even entertain our questions and concerns.

" You have to understand that the orbs choose who are worthy to wield their powers regardless of origin or parentage,"  she said.

" Yeh, we get that part. Why don't you skip the boring part and get to what we want to know," drawled Ægas who was glaring at the gate keeper.

THE KEEPERS ( THE ORBS OF UTAH ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora