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Pic of Aghon Harbour

I really didn't know how we came to end up the way we did. I didn't know how I allowed myself to be swayed by Domathian's sincerity or desperation or better yet, his sinful charm. And I definitely did not know how I could lower my standards like this.

I blamed it on the large amounts of alcohol I consumed last night. Hearing Domathian's sob stories definitely took a part in the sticky situation I found myself in. And not having better control over myself.

The hangover I was experiencing was like a Berheimian torture device hammering away in my head. And the urge to upchuck everything I had ingested yesterday was immense.

I wracked my brain for what transpired last night. At first my memories were bits and pieces but gradually they began to weave  themselves together creating a chain of events that had me blanching in horror.

" He rejects me every chance he gets. It is like I'm this filthy creature he cannot stand. A simpleton that is beneath him his social class, " said Domathian sadly, taking a long gulp of his drink, his eyes fixed on his desire.

I laid a hand on his back and rubbed soothingly in an ongoing circular motion. " He's not for you, Dom. He's not for you, " I said in comfort.

" How can that be? I don't want to sound vain but I'm very attractive. How could he say no to me?"

Typical of him, even in his most darkest time he still managed to maintain a certain level of arrogance.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes I directed my gaze to the dance circle and saw Laric dancing with a tall, dark and handsome warrior who overly delighted by the sight before him.

" Maybe you're not his ' type ' as the humans like to say. "

He shook his head in denial. " I'm everyone's type. " 

" Deities above, Domathian, can you stop being vain for just a few minutes. No wonder Laric wouldn't give you the time of day if you always hold yourself like you're gods' gift to this world. He needs someone who will compliment him, who would do anything, be anything for him and strive to make him happy. And you're not that person. I am not telling you this to hurt you but it is the honest truth. "

I held both his hands in mine squeezing them to offer a sense of comfort. He stared at me impassively. " Despite this overly cocky front you put up all the time I know deep inside you aren't this philandering man whore most deem you to be. So forget about him, forget all the beings you've pursued and just enjoy this night. I promise that I'll be your dancing and drinking companion. I'll be your shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to your thoughts and feelings. That is what friends are for, right? "

He smiled, a genuine smile that made me smile in return. His eyes were alight with joy, gratitude, acceptable and understanding.

" Thank you, Analisia. I needed to hear that. And I won't take your words for granted, instead, I will utilize them to better myself."

" Enough of this, Dom. Let's hit the dance circle and make a fool of ourselves, and drink the night away. How about that?" I didn't wait for him to decline as I rose up pulling him up with me.

He flashed me a delighted grin that bespoke of mischief. " Now you're talking my language, Princess. "

We scurried away to the dance circle laughing at nothing in particular, then commanded attention with our ridiculous dance moves.

I specifically remember sharing a kiss with him during my drunken stupor. And I couldn't recall who initiated the kiss. And I had no interest in wondering how it felt like.

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