Sad on the holidays?

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Shout out to all the people dealing with homophobia over the holidays.

Shout out to all the people dealing with transphobia over the holidays.

Shout out to all the people whose mental illness is troubling over the holidays.

Shout out to all the people coming out over the holidays.

Shout out to all the people who aren't coming out over the holidays.

Shout out to all the people who aren't going home over the holidays because their family isn't supportive.

Shout out to all the people who are going home over the holidays, even though their family isn't supportive.

Shout out to anyone questioning their gender/sexuality over the holidays.

Stay strong. You can do this. You are going to make it. I love all of you.

(not my text// all rights belong to person who wrote text)

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