Recovery isn't easy, although...

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You can't expect recovery to be easy.
It's not.
Matter of fact, it's like hell at first.
Crying about everything, it's literally another battle.
You don't know how to be normal, you constantly feel like giving up, hell, you don't even know what you're doing there.
You at first, won't see any signs of progress, and slowly begin to go back to your old ways.
But recovery is life, literally.
Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.
Nothing about recovering is easy, but you as a fighter , just grow to be stronger.
This battle is not one that you can simply just give up on.
If you haven't given up on life, don't give up on recovery.
You don't know your worth today, but that will go sky high the minute you beat whatever you're going through.
No one can take that personal victory away from you.
You were put onto earth for a reason,
And one of them is to fight for what you need to be happy.
You deserve happiness, and you also deserve to win.

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