Give It Up For Them All

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Give it up for the ladies and gentlemen who care too much about how they look like, you're good enough just the way you are.
Give it up for the ladies and gentlemen that recently got their heart broken over family, friends, relationships, a celebrity, an idol, a certain event, a text message, etc-- life goes on, and you won't be heartbroken forever. Remember that in a year, you probably won't even care about it, and you'll find yourself in peace again. Pain cannot last forever.
Give it up for the ladies and gentlemen who have some sort of disability that they do not want to speak about, don't let it define you. You are not your disability, you are worth more than what you believe. You have the power to overcome it, you are a human at the end of the day, and are no different than the rest of us.
Give it up for the ladies and gentlemen who overstress the crap out of their grades. If it is your parents, friends or peer pressure, remember that a letter nor number defines you. Yes, it is wonderful to have great grades and be as determined which I give you credit for, but do not murder yourself to get an unrealistic goal whilst not having a social life. Find a balance between friends and school work, please.
Give it up for the ladies and gentlemen who are ashamed of what they're going through. Do what is right for you. Never be ashamed to ask for help, always take care of yourself. Your soul is your bodys best friend, take care of them, and realize your soul is your bodys .
Give it up for the ladies and gentlemen who have lost a loved one. They are an angel up in the sky, they are watching over you. My condolences to you and your family and friends, you deserve nothing but the absolute best from everyone. They are proud of you, they do not want you to cry, they want you to make it.

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