Gotta be true to yourself, doll.

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  Hahaha, as long as you're telling YOURSELF everything you're telling me. If you don't want me to do it, DON'T DO IT. You don't want me to lie? don't lie yourself. You want me to be honest (even though I don't lie), then be honest yourself. Don't sugarcoat your feelings. Stop feeling sorry for being your damn self. Stop saying sorry for everything you want to do. You want to help me? help yourself. Put yourself first. Treat yourself good. You want me to do it? DO IT YOURSELF. Don't be one-sided. Don't tell me to stay strong if you aren't doing it yourself. Don't make yourself last, you're supposed to be the FIRST PRIORITY. Stop thinking what you're doing isn't good enough, IT ALWAYS WAS. And stop , think , pause and breath before you even THINK to put something on your wrists. You want me to be strong? Everything you want me to do, DO IT YOURSELF. You want me to smile at hard moments? YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE ROLE TOO. If you want me to be happy, you've got to fight and learn to be happy yourself. There's no "oh you can be happy and let me cry" Bullshit. Don't pull that shit. You matter just as much as I do. You matter just as much as the ones you love. I don't want to hear the "I don't matter and I'm not good enough" because it's bull. Absolute bull.  

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