Keep the nearest memories to heart.

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Hold on to every good memory you have because it fades right before your eyes sometimes, cherish everything and smile at all the little things. You deserve to be happy, an entire day of it. You deserve to wake up everything feeling like you're worth something, that you deserve life and not a single guilty feeling or tear trickles out of your body. You deserve to be happy, so get your mindset into thinking you're a boss. You are so much in this world and this world WOULD NOT BE THIS WORLD WITHOUT YOU. Keep going, I know it's tough, but keep going. Keep going on until you finally hit the mark you never thought you'd hit, keep running until you've reached your destination. Hold onto every good friend and every smile, believe me when I say you're worth the entire freaking world. You are. Now smile, start your morning or begin a new day with a smile. Please. I don't want to see you down , I want to see your brightly out there.

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