Damn, you still have it hard?

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I know how you feel. You have it hard right now. All the wrongs, people keep getting away with it. All those fake words and rumors you heard out of everyone's mouths. You been through way too much to even want to get into another argument with your mom , and possibly go to your room with the same tears you just cried last night. Matter of fact, I bet your sitting there thinking of those happy times just to keep you sane from the reality you're in. Oh gosh, and school? Forget it with work. Stressing the grades and swearing to yourself you'd rather just be a dropout because it's getting to be too much. Putting your everything into that stupid assignment just to get a mediocre score. Oh and to those who are athletes? School , sport , barely even have time to take care of your mental health. And then, through all of this, just to hear yourself being downgraded by so many. No wonder you feel like shit. No wonder you can't see how wonderful you are. No wonder you can't see what is really in store for you.
Well listen, good things come to those who wait. Those who started with bad beginnings know how it feels to be in a bad position, so they will have a happy ending. You will have it easier soon, you will get the last word.

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