Recovery (continuation)

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Recovery, yes it's scary.. It's scary because at times you may doubt yourself and run into rough times. You may even get to a point where you relapse but that's okay.. That's part of recovery and just because you slipped doesn't mean you're not strong or good enough. It means you're human and us humans tend to mess up from time to time. You may hit rock bottom during the hard times in your recovery but don't let that stop you from getting the help that you need. You gotta get back up and try again. Why? Because you're worthy, strong, amazing, & beautiful in your own way. Yes, at times it may seem like it's impossible and like nothing will get better but I promise it will. You got this.
Recovery, YES it's beautiful. It's beautiful because after awhile you begin to see the great things in life. You begin to feel what happiness really feels like and during that time you begin to believe in yourself. You begin knowing your self worth and you start realizing you're worthy of the life that you live. You feel what it's actually like to love yourself and not be afraid of what life throws your way next because you're stronger and determined. You no longer worry about if you're gonna make it to see tomorrow. You no longer worry about not wanting to make it to see tomorrow. Even though at times you break down and cry or even get that urge to do the things you once did to numb the feelings you felt, you still keep going. No matter how hard it gets and soon enough on down the road you're gonna look back and smile at how far you've came. How you once thought that it wasn't possible to be happy, strong, and free. Then there you are, a living proof, showing people that recovery is possible. As you're bettering yourself you're encouraging others to do the same and nothing feels better than strength and happiness.. And that my friend.. Well, that's recovery..
M.H.M / xbeautifully__brokenx on instagram.

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