Steps to a healthier you.

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Steps to a healthier you:

1. If you have anxiety and/or depression: as hard as this sounds, sit with your feelings. Write it all down in a journal as best as you can. Try to understand why you're feeling this way, did something happen that day or week to upset you? What do you feel? Can you address these feelings proactively with someone you trust? Have you given thought to therapy or have you spoken to your therapist about what worries you, feelings of emptiness or loneliness, fatigue or loss of energy, etc.? Give yourself validation for having the strength to live through this. It's not easy, and you're a fighter. This world needs you in it. So don't give up on yourself.

2. If you have lost interest in your life: Step outside your comfort zone. Do something new and for yourself at least once a week. Take a yoga class, paint, draw, make pottery, fly a kite, hike, go to a new restaurant with your loved ones, visit a museum, enjoy a bubble bath, read a new book, etc. You don't need to book a $10,000 trip somewhere to gain happiness. You can find it wherever you are. When we face adversity in life, whether that be from mental illness, loss, breakups, change, etc. we often lose sight of ourselves and our true passions. We go through the motions instead of letting go and living adventurously. Do you, and do things for you. Don't wait around. You only have one shot at life. Make the most of today. (If you feel as though nothing you do is helping this loss of interest, please talk to your doctor. They may have some medicinal options for you that can give you back your sense of self.

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