The empowerment speech.

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They left you? Make their asses crawl back. Show the world who's boss and let them have a great view of your ass. Nobody never really left without caring, there is some part of them that had your name filled inside, and eventually the guilt will eat them alive depending on how strong you stay. Be a boss, let everyone chase you, let the predators find their prey, you shouldn't have to suffer for other people's happiness, in fact, it's almost as if they should suffer to pursue your happiness. You deserve the world, you deserve your own spotlight, you deserve every single shining star in the sky considering the fact you are one. You were born to build a legacy, allow the world to remember you for all the great you've done. You are extraordinary, extraterrestrial, absolutely magnificent in every single way. Warrior, be a boss ass bitch! Don't let the world determine your smile, don't let anyone take that smile away from you. That smile is YOURS, allow it to shine. - it can light up an entire town. Don't let little comments determine who you are, you know Damn fucking well who you are. In the end, you will break the tables and make people scared of your radiant confidence. Believe your a boss, go to extremes to prove you are one and trust me, you will become one. You are one badass motherfucker who won't stand for none of this crap to go, you get the last word, the last say. You allow yourself to shine, and you will naturally boss.

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