Social Media Likes and Comments does not matter.

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The amount of likes and comments you get on a photo does not dictate how inspiring and how beautiful you are. You cannot let one picture dictate your life and how good you are ,just by the amount of people that double tapped it or like it or love it. You are supposed to be confident in what you put up and ,no matter what other people think ,you're supposed to like it yourself. This is a free country, you are allowed to put up whatever selfie ,whatever thing, that makes you happy. You are supposed to be confident to put it up and you are supposed to love it no matter how much other people don't. It does not matter what other people think ,their opinions are just opinions. It does not mean A LOT and it does not dictate the type of person that you are. You are worth so much more than what other people think, so STOP thinking about the other opinions because those opinions are just meaningless words that shouldn't have an effect on you. If you are happy with the selfie or the clothes or whatever you just put on to social media, THEN BE HAPPY.

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