Chapter Twenty-Four

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[Eyes' POV]

TJ ordered me to do a perimeter search around Royale, to check on the walls. I stayed down, lower than the cameras could reach me, the blind spot of the wall no matter how carefully it's designed to withstand any form of espionage. Well that's what they thought at least.

I perch up on one of the posts and ducked behind the search lights, I'm not really seen by the guards, but it's a spot close enough to hear what The Mask and The Head were discussing.

"They didn't look like Hackers to me, did they?" The Head asked. The Mask shook his head.

"They were just regular Rogues, they were after something." The Mask replied.

"I bet it's someone." he smirked.

"Maybe, but I'm sure they needed something more other than a person, they already rescued one. There must be something important about the people we've abducted."

"I think they're on to us. Think about it, why wouldn't we abduct these people if there's nothing important about them?"

"Yeah, but they don't need to know that." You could practically hear the smirk in The Mask's voice. It made me quirk an eyebrow up. What do they mean we're on to them? Why shouldn't we know that?

"They must be after something of great deal to them..." The Head trailed off.

There was a pause, as both of them thought about it.

"The antidote." The Mask finally said. The Head looked at him and nodded.

"We should destroy it."

"No, we use it as bait, they have something we want. We have to negotiate."

"Of course, but if they get hold of the antidote and they do willingly cooperate with it, wouldn't they get the upper hand?"

"Who says we're giving them the real antidote?" The Mask looked at The Head, and they both nodded and left, but not before The Mask spotting me in the distance. Uh-oh. Time to fly.

[Leo's POV]

"They're planning on destroying it!" Eyes came back, gasping for air as he turned back into human.

"Destroying what exactly?" TJ's eyes furrowed in confusion. 

"The antidote!" he gasped. There was a comotion, a lot of muttering and yelling amongst the Mongrels.

"CALM DOWN!" TJ yelled. The comotion settled down.

There was a loud buzz as the intercom upstairs buzzed to life. TJ pushed through the crowd, roughly. He jumped on the second floor landing and he pressed the intercom. The big screen showed The Head's face, The Mask standing behind his right shoulder.

"We're here to make a proposition for you." The Head said.

"I'm listening." TJ replied.

"We concluded that you were after something after you paid a little visit in Royale the other day and we wondered what it could be... We thought what would Mongrels desperately want to get their hands on? And I said: the antidote." The Mask said.

"What is it to you now?" TJ cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, how about we negotiate, you have something that we need and we have something that you need. How about a trade?" The Head suggested. There was silence, TJ spoke minutes later.

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course, you have until tomorrow."

"Alright." and the call was ended.

"What the hell are you doing TJ?!" I asked as he came down.

"I'm playing the game, they've made they're move, it's our turn this time." he smirked.

"What are you planning?" I whispered.

"Something massive," he grins. "We're going to bomb Royale."

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