Chapter Thirty

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[Eyes' POV]

When Ria left to talk to Trey about something important, I immediately went to TJ's makeshift tent. He's literally just staring at the crates in front of him. I know he's worried about Ria, and he'd rather not show that he actually cared for the girl, other than she was his personal distraction.

"Comfort her." I said out of the bloom, his head turned to me. I nodded over outside.

"What? You know I'm never good with that. What makes you think I'm suddenly capable of doing it now?" TJ has been my best friend for years, not only have I been his right hand in this gang but we mostly sought each other out in great distress. Being orphans brought the two of us closer.

"I dunno, maybe the fact that you actually like her changed it. Just try, she lost her brother, she might need some comforting words from you, even if it does have 'try hard' written all over it."

"What do I exactly say? Sorry for your lost? I'm not exactly equip for this, not really having a family in the first place and all."

"Why are you telling me that? I grew up with you, I know every single detail I don't need to know that but she does. Go tell your back story or something she might actually find comfort in it."

"I'm not good with telling sappy background stories, can't I just hug her or something? Probably give her a kiss or two?"

"NO! You are a man you have words! Use your words!"

Before he could reply though we heard a gun shot, we ran outside to find Leo pointing it.

[Leo's POV]

I shot him. I shot him on the leg. I didn't have the guts to kill him, I knew deep down there was a rational explanation why he killed Marvin. If it really was him that killed him. Something tells me a finer detail to the story. TJ and Eyes rush out of their tent, looking where Loki was, clutching his leg. They both looked at me with wide eyes, everyone else gathered around us as well.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU SHOOT HIM, LEO?!" TJ yelled. I realized I was still holding the gun, I dropped it immediately like it was on fire. I just stared at Loki with wide eyes.

"Alexandria?!" Loki gasped, and I snapped back to my senses and rushed over to him and apologized in a rush.

"I didn't know what came over me, I'm sorry for shooting." I muttered.

"Clearly." TJ scoffed. I glared at him and told him to stay out of this. I needed to talk to Loki even for the slightest second. TJ nodded to Eyes and they both went back inside the tent. I watched as their back retreat and I turned to help Loki up and let him get comfortable next to the fire.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Loki.

"I ran away from Royale, our cells below Royale unlocked since it's connected with the wall. They were gonna experiment on everyone there, luckily a few us escaped. They're over there by the way if you hadn't noticed." he nodded over to the crowd and the Rogues attending to the wounded. I nodded solemnly. "Why did you shoot me by the way?"

"I thought you were an intruder." I lied immediately.

"Are shitting me? You saw me, then you pulled the trigger. Look if it's because I kept hitting on you all those times back then..." he trailed off.

"Fuck no! It's not that, I just thought you were a different person." I sighed. I noticed his shirt was ripped almost burnt even. I had to know something though, before I shoot him again. This time a bullet to the head. "Take off your shirt."

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