Chapter Five

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[TJ’s POV]

The moon overhead shone upon us. All of them are tied up and gagged. Well at least, the girls. The market needs a lot of those so they’re the only ones that we took. We disposed of the guys. Well at this rate, we’re gonna be trillionaires eventually. A girl costs approximately about two million, it depends how they look. We don’t where they go to as long as we get the money.

Eagle Eyes checked the last one of them. All those women are asleep, all of them chained upright so we can examine them more closely. I threw my cigarette away and came up beside him. The gang is all over the place, checking each of them and marking a price that suits them.

The Aviators would pay anything to get their hands on a good servant. Sure this may be cruel but it’s the only thing that we live on. 

Let me tell you the history about Vesperin. 

Three decades or so, there was a feud between the snobby millionaires and the people who live beyond the poverty line. The government ranted that there must be a barrier between the two classes so therefore the wall was created. No one can go over the wall, there are a lot of defenses. Now, other gangs could get away like the Pack or so they call it, rumor has it that it’s led by someone named Loki but I couldn’t care less, they’ll most likely be dead once they get caught. Back to the bribery, they charm the guards and they can get in and out of the city without being noticed. We try to be as concealed as they are, hiding in abandoned factories like where we’re staying now but I doubt that any of my gang members are willing to seduce the guards.

It’s kind of a pain not to have charismatic gang members, it’d be much easier to have those, and we wouldn’t be selling women for a living. Why am I the only one blessed with such drop – dead gorgeous looks?  

I shake my head in dismay. Eagle Eyes turns the face of a girl, she had brown skin, white and chapped lips, a blindfold covers her eyes, she’s about seven feet tall and must weigh 170 kilograms. She is beautiful with brown hair that reaches all the way up to her waist and she wore a lab coat.

“She’s about thirty million? Wouldn’t you say so?” I ask.

“I was thinking maybe forty million. Do you reckon the looks of the same chick?”

“Yeah, she’s about forty million.” I say bluntly.

“Shall we send her?” he asks.

“Take her away for the stitching.” I say gesturing to go ahead.

“Lover Boy! Take her!” he says towards Lover Boy.

When I say stitching, I mean it literally. We sell women who can’t talk and are willing to follow orders and for them to be able to do so, we stitch their mouths shut, no matter what they do, they wouldn’t utter a sound.

“Next?” Eagle Eyes says, pointing to a white skinned six foot tall girl. I nod moving towards her. I look at Eagle Eyes, black hair framed his face, he has fair skin, blue eyes that shone in the dark, he’s a couple of centimeters taller than me but you can barely see it since I am of higher position than him.

“Well let’s see what we have here?” he says going around the girl, and I followed. Her hands are the only ones supporting her slack body. Her wrists stained with blood from the rusty chains pulling her up. She wore a white lab gown that reached above her knees. Her black hair has violet streaks all over. Her skin really is as white as porcelain. We stopped in front of her. Eagle Eyes tilts her head. She’s blindfolded just like the rest of them. Her lip is blood red since there’s been a cut on it and it’s still bleeding. She has an hourglass figure and she has good height. She’s probably 40 pounds. This girl is gorgeous no doubt about it, I have never seen such a beauty.

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