Chapter Twelve

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[Marvin’s POV]

I shivered to the core as I looked at him firmly, I couldn’t believe this, what was he doing here, alive even. I glared at him, he’s even related to this beast.  I tried my best to pretend that none of this affects me but deep down, I couldn’t keep running.

The thought that he might as well be a traitor, struck me hard; I couldn’t see him as one, sure he was rotten but never a traitor. I tried to think of what possibly could be the reason why he was acting this way, maybe he was doing this to inform me, to warn me about what these guys were doing, what they were gonna do to me and my sister.

I was paranoid but I was sure whatever reason he has, it wasn’t good enough.

If I was in his position I couldn’t possibly have any reason to be up to this kind of madness, besides he has Ria, she already hates him, what could this possibly bring to their relationship, to our relationship, he’s practically in my family, but Ria rarely acknowledges him and neither do I sometimes but still this is too much.

I was literally begging that this was just a horrible nightmare. But with all the blood I highly doubt it.
He circled me just like his father did and he grinned menacingly, like a cat, just the thought of a cat made me wince, how was she doing? Was she surviving or what? I need to know if she was still worth saving and what I mean that is –

“Wouldn’t you like to enlighten me, Marvin.” He stopped in front of me and kneeled to meet my eyes. “Why won’t you talk at least?”

I grunted but that was all he got out of me. There was nothing special whether this guy asked me something or his father. I'm still trying to find my way out, still looking, there was a door to the far corner, but it's too guarded.

"Are you sure you've beaten him up? It takes a lot to break Marvin, after all he did inherit a few of my characteristics." he smirked.

There was an old, unused air vent over to my right, I need the right moment, to break my bound. So I tested it seemingly, I glared at him and hissed beneath my breath. "But you're a mongrel, Assassins are supposed to hunt them down, so why are you still alive?!"

His eyes flickered to me and he grinned widely, he thought he won, but it's not like I'll tell him anything, just that one thing to keep him busy.

"We only hunt the ones who are in a gang, in rogues, I'm not part of your gang, am I Marvin?" he chuckled, his eyes shone and then he turned to his father and discussed something. I twisted my wrists the way I was taught and turned my hands under the rope.

"No, you're not." I hissed as the rope dropped and I stood up, luckily the ropes on my legs were already lose and I only had a bit of struggle with them. His eyes widened and he grinned, how can he be happy about this?

They aimed their guns at me and I just narrowed my eyes at them and took my stance. One single breath and I was on all fours. All of the Assassins advanced but he held up a hand and watched me with one steely eye, I assessing him, when I know he wasn't going to do anything I pounced on the Head and then I was off.

I was right, no one followed me, he just watched and in my mind he whispered:

"Go on run, it's all you can ever do."

[Leo's POV]

"What?! What do you mean by that?!" I challenged. He sighed and looked at me again.

"I know what you are." he repeated patiently.

My eyebrows furrowed at him, what was he talking about? I shook my head and tried to find some warmth in the blanket he gave me. I gaped at Eyes and at his handsome face, the shadows played across his face and his eyes shone bright blue like oceans that never existed since everything here was either black or brown or ruined, maybe with the Aviators, the people inside the wall would know about fresh water.

He waved his palm in front of my face. What the hell?! Was I just checking Eagle Eyes out?! I blinked and stared at him again. "Say something will you? Look I know it's weird you feeling like this, suddenly changing and all of that but you have to understand, this is normal." he said.


"Normal?!" I gasped. He nodded solemnly. I hear the fire crackle as he took a breath and went to explaining a few things.

"A couple of years back before that stupid feud between those snobby rich people, a few animals still existed, animals that are now extinct and back then there are already scientists, you know the ones they tell you about in school?" he said and I nodded, I was still confused though.

"There are also the ones they called mad scientists... and these mad scientists, they worship no one, they would do anything for the sake of knowledge, they're mad, not angry but crazy." he looked at me as if to see I was still following or something. I nodded for him to go on.

"Now when the feud ended and the wall was up, and the people inside it started to call themselves the Aviators, and gangs were formed, these scientists suddenly became extinct along with some animals.

"But that wasn't true, underground, they have this sort of laboratory, turns out these scientists left some unfinished business and the Aiviators thought that they were obliged to do finish it after all those scientists were the key to their victory.

"In that lab though, those unfinished business that they left was grafting DNA of another specie into humans, for this they thought it was less harmful to use creatures that they have observed over the time before hence using animals.

"As of now, the Aviators are using extinct animals, escavating fossils of theses animals and combining their DNA with us humans and before they only grafted on infants that were born already and these humans with a different DNA mixed into theirs are called mongrels."

My eyebrows shot up into my hairline and I leaned in closer, wanting to catch every detail in his narration.

"You, you're different though and so is your brother." My eyes widened.

"What?! Why?!" I asked, my heart hammering against my chest, Marvin, he's a part of this somehow.

He opened his mouth as if to say something but a loud crash interrupted him and he stood up, looking wild eyed at the entrance, I turned to look and in the dark world outside there was a shadow dinstinct among the pithc black.

It stepped forward and my eyes were as big as saucers. The shadows danced across his hard face, he looked at Eyes and then at me. He was glaring, it was enough to make me tremble a bit, his stare went back to me, it was cold, and empty, it made me shiver all over but I couldn't seem to look away.

It was TJ. He found us.

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