Chapter Sixteen

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[Leo's POV]

3... 2... 1...

I breathed in and out, I hid in the shadows with my back pressed against the walls, I knew I was more than ready, I heard footsteps, I knew it was him, the victim I was waiting for. I closed my eyes and let instincts take in, I never thought having a hacker for a brother would come in handy someday. When Marvin was having his 'once in a blue moon good mood' he taught me how to handle a gun and how to shoot and when to shoot. 

The first time that I used the gun around my finger, I was little and I didn't know how to use it, but I ended up getting  what I wanted in the end. All I had to do was think about what I wanted and binggo. I'll get it.

The gun didn't have a trigger that's why it's operated my the user's brain. So if you think about what's gonna happen it will happen. 

I listened intently as another pair of feet intervene with my senses, I know those footsteps anywhere, they were Eyes'. I cursed inside my head. Oh great, now I have to be extra careful now, I need to prove to myself that I'm not losing my edge, I need to, I have to, I can't stand being defenseless and weak and being looked down upon, it wasn't in my nature.

"You go on ahead, carry out the plan Eyes', I still need to think about the flaws, okay?" TJ says. 

"Okay..." Eyes' sounded unsure all of a sudden. I took another breath as I waited for the perfect time. TJ started walking near my hiding spot I took the shot. I pointed directly at his neck  and I thought about releasing an energy so great it could harm someone in an instant.

A bolt of electricity zapped out of my fingers and hit him on the side of his neck, he was clearly caught off guard and started to convulse on the floor, I zapped him again on the chest, he started to convulse some more, then suddenly he stopped. I slowly took calm steps towards him. 

I cautiously stepped around him and leaned down. His eyes were close, for a giddy moment I thought I killed him due to electrocution but then I notice he was still breathing shallow breaths. I  tried not to be disappointed. I glared at his sleeping handsome face and poked him. That's when his eyes snapped open and he strangled me, I struggled at his grasp. We both rolled around the floor locked in combat, I started to punch him and jab my gun on his sternum but the electricity wasn't working anymore, it was only fueling his adrenaline.

Then he had me pinned under him, both of his hands grasping my neck and I coughed for air, I was choking and I scratched his hands. We were in front of the door of the roof and moonlit spilled on the non-existent door lighting my face.

I was wide eyed and TJ released me all of a sudden and sat on the floor as I gasped for air. "LEO! YOU SCA-" then he must've realized what he was saying and glares at me. "EXPLAIN YOURSELF! I THOUGHT YOU WERE AN ASSASSIN!"

"That... is what you get... for kissing... me." I gasp. His face is bewildered for a moment then he stood up and held out a hand. I stare at it for a while and grabbed it and he helped me. I look at our joined hands, I don't know if it was from the left electricity in his body or what but I felt a shock course through my body from where we touched. 

"I must say your revenge kind of disappoints me, I expected more from you if you ever wanted to take revenge on me that is." He smirks. I glare at him. 

"You do realize that I was planning on killing you, you know that?" I ask with a my eyebrow raised. 

"Yeah but you don't have the guts to kill anyone, I know you can kill anyone but you can't kill me, sorry let me rephrase that, you refuse to kill me." he grins. I narrow my eyes at him.

"I can kill you when I want to." I hiss.

"You can't cause if you can I would be dead right now."

"Oh mark my words I will kill you one day, I promise you that."

"Kill me after all of this is over, you need me to rescue you brother don't you?"

"Rescue... my brother... What are you planning?"

"We are going inside the wall, you up for it Leo?" He grins evilly. My eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Hell yeah." I grin evilly and we shook our joined hands. "But I'll still kill you afterwards."

"I know, I know." he says then his eyes looked at our joined hands and I hastily pulled it back but he held it tighter, I looked at him.

"Let's get along Leo, I won't harass you out of the bloom and if you want I'll even ask permission when I do, okay?" he says, there was sencerity in voice that it caught me off guard. I look at him with a funny expression, I knew he was joking. "I'm not joking, I just want the plan to work out, I don't want any distractions and we need to be a team, please?"

My eyes widened. "Whoa did the great TJ said please just now?" I say shocked. 

"Yes and don't make me repeat it, Leo. You know what I'll do to you if you do." he hisses.

"Alright, I'll we'll be a team until the day I'll kill you. Deal?"

"Good, that's a deal." he says and releases my hand. He started to head towards the hallway and started to go down the flight of stairs.

"So what's the plan?" I ask trailing behind him.

"It's like playing chess, we're black, they're white. Therefore, we wait for them to make the first move." he says though it didn't make all that much sense to me.

"What first move, you must've anticipated what they'll do right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"So what are they supposed to do?"

"They will take the bait."

"What bait?"

He stopped and turned around, he looked pretty serious that's why I was suddenly nervous. "Your brother."

[Marvin's POV]

 "You should be ashamed of yourself, Marvin." The Mask taunted me, we were still in the warehouse, they had guns pointed at me again, this was such a Deja Vu. I didn't look at him and I kept staring at the flames. "Being caught twice by the assassins, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Go kill yourself you useless piece of trash, Mask, and die in hell, that's what I'd say." I said bluntly. I thought of my escape route, I looked left and right, there was nowhere I could run to not unless I could end up dead.

The Mask squatted down and met me at eye level. The flames were making his eyes like fire pits. "Wrong answer, Dawns. You are going back to my father and you will suffer and to think you could actually escape The Assassins. The only way you'll escape us is by death but you can't escape us that easily, you don't want to escape us yet, you'd want to stay for the show, you'd want to watch when we tear your precious sister limb by limb and scarring her inocent little everything, she would want to die that instant and would kill herself in front of her pathetic brother." he hisses with a satisfied smirk.

I glared at him, I was infuriated, I would never let them have Ria. Ever. They would have to kill me first, but I'm no good to her dead, I need to get out of here, I need to get to her but everything seems like it's so hopeless now. 

When did Marvin Dawns ever give up?

Oh that's right never.

That's why with every ounce left I summoned all of my strenght and turned and bit the Mask with all that I have then they shot me and the last thing that I saw was the Mask's dead body.

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