Chapter Fifteen

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[TJ’s POV]

“Back then the word Leo would be a terrifying thing to say to someone, it means certain death to people in Vesperin and giving the name Leo to someone would be like putting a million dollars on someone’s head. Having that name is dangerous and only the people who ever deserved it were called that. I don’t know what came over me to give Alexandria that name, maybe because I knew she was a threat, don’t you think so Eyes?” I look over at Eyes and to see him looking at the city below him, the lights were blinding here and amazing, I wonder if it ever looked the same inside the Royale. It must be nice to be there, good thing we were paying a little visit soon.

We were on the rooftop of the headquarters, my favorite place to think and to brainstorm, I would always drag Eagle Eyes here just to think of the next thing we’re gonna do, so far the plan was coming out alright as long as everyone would go according to it.

“Why did you give her that name?” Eyes asks. “I mean she’s not a threat like you said…” I smirk. If only you knew, Eyes, you don’t know how much I want to scream to the world how dangerous she is.

“I was just wondering that maybe you’ve noticed that she’s… just… like us.” I conclude. Eyes’ eyes widen. That’s something, Eyes’ eyes, I chuckle inside my head.

“She is? How do you even know that?” He asks, bewildered. I chuckle and he scowls. “This is not a laughing matter, you know how it’s crucial that we find every single one like us.”

“I know that… why are you asking me? I mean you’re the one who was telling her after all.” I mutter. His eyes widened once again.

“What? I did? When?” he tries to hide it, I glare at him, I see him fidgeting and his eyes darting back and forth and never meeting my gaze.

“I heard it, Eyes, there’s no more hiding it. It’s only a matter of time before she actually realizes that.”

“Realizes what? What she is? ‘Cause I think she already did… after what you said anyways. Why’d you have to spoil the fun?” He smirks. I laugh at that. It’s true I did spoil the fun but as long as her mind is occupied with too many thoughts she’ll never realize it, I know she won’t.

“So what are you planning on doing then?” Eyes says. I look at him, his blue eyes were brighter in the lights. I grin evilly.

“We… we’re gonna crash somebody’s party.”

[Leo’s POV]

I glared at the gun in front of me, it’s different than the first one that I’ve used to free those prisoners, I can’t believe it’s only been a day since that happened. How I knew about the gun? I used it on Marvin when we were kids after he ruined all of the comics Josh gave me and my dad went berserk when he saw it, he grounded the both of us for a whole month, he was like that, fair and square.

But now he wasn’t.

I remember suddenly TJ’s lips on mine and it made my skin crawl, literally, I looked down at my hand just in time to see it have a spot. My eyes widened. Why was it like that?! Why did I have to have those spots? Why did I have to transform? Where did I get it in the first place? I was turning into something I never even seen but I knew immediately what I was.


The gun was small, and it could be disguised like any other gun or any other object. I flick through the menu, touched the screen and tapped twice it transformed into this tube that could fit on my index finger. I grin, just like the way I want it. I slip it through my finger and it fitted perfectly. Another grin and I tested it out. Perfect.

Man my revenge was turning out pretty good.

I dressed up, rummaged through the clothes. I grabbed a shirt, the jeans, and the combat boots. You don’t know how relieved I am to be wearing real clothes again. I smirked at the gun, a dozen shots with this and who knows what will happen. We’ll see. And I am looking forward to it.

[Marvin’s POV]

I am bleeding too much that I groan every single moment I move, then movement caught my attention, I stay as still and silent and ignore the pain. Then that’s when I heard the laughing, my eyes darted back and forth in the darkness searching where the sound came from. I’m about to stand up when suddenly fire comes into my view, I back away immediately and pressed myself down.

The warehouse was littered with old crates and tarpaulins, it was musty and the air was stale. I keep on inhaling dust but I tried as hard as possible not to. Why of all the places did I go here instead of somewhere else? Please remind me again.

I can’t risk being seen, I’ve been so close to the wall, I couldn’t afford to get caught now. I have to find Alexandria. I hear voices and I kept my mouth shut. I kept myself from moving otherwise I’d die a painful death. I peek between crates and my eyes widened, for sure these were assassins, they were wearing white with masks, like the day I was supposed to kill Trey they busted through the doors and shot me out cold. I never had the chance to defend myself, much less Ria.

Thinking about her, and reminiscing that day, my thoughts wandered to Trey and to Stephanie, what had happened to those two? Were they in the facility, I couldn’t recall and I desperately need to. Stephanie was pregnant for crying out loud! She’s already laboring for two months and if anything happened to her children, I wouldn’t forgive myself, I may be cruel but I’m not that cruel. I’m as much as concerned for her than I am for myself.

I worry what they’ll do to her, I worry about Trey even though he killed mom, I knew had a reason, heck I knew his reason. That’s why I had to get a hold of Ria. I need to get to her before they do.

“Sir, we found her, she’s at a downtown warehouse, around the five mile radius.” A voice suddenly said and I am snapped out my reverie. I look again, they build up camp, I could see the shadows playing over their features. There was one person who stood out the most though, I thought he was a part of the darkness, he wore a black coat.

“Good. Find her, we must have her within our grasp by the solstice, the Head must have her by then.” The guy with the black coat said.

“Of course, but… sir, the Head has already captured the other two, the pregnant woman and that man, what will he do with them?”

“I do not know of my father’s plan, but let us leave it at that. We must accomplish our orders in order to find out about his goals.”

“Roger. Sir?”


“We were highly trained to exterminate any mongrels in this place… why?”

“What do you mean why?”

“Sir, they were a part of Royale’s army, how come we’re destroying what is truly ours?”

“Listen, the Assassins has only one goal and that’s to exterminate that race.”

“Since we are highly trained, mind if I use my training to the fullest?”

“Of course… why would you want to use it now?”

That’s when I started to panic, the Assassin that was talking to the hooded guy stood up, and started to walk around the whole perimeter, and my eyes never left his glowing figure. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest, my breath was ragged.

“Oh, it’s nothing sir, it’s just that I may not waste my efforts after all.” As he says this, he stops in front of the crater, directly in front of my eyes, his back was to me, impossible they couldn’t actually sense me here, I’ve masked everything, I was safe I knew I was. But I prepared myself. I knew what was coming.

“Why… is a mongrel here?”

“Oh not just any mongrel sir,” Then he turned, pushed the crates away and I turned and pounced. That’s when i knew I was beyond dead.

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