Chapter Eight

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[Leo's POV]

“You better pick what you’re gonna wear, those might have perverted thoughts as to where I took you.” Eyes says as he leaves me alone to do whatever I plan to do. I rummaged through the closet. I found a black dress that just reaches my knees. It used to be a full length dress since I used to wear it when I was eight.

It still fits me. I tried to look as presentable as I can. TJ seems naïve enough for me to control. I’m gonna kill them one by one. They’ve ended my life. I’m gonna end theirs.

Inside the closet, just beside the shoes that I took, I found a gun. Not just any ordinary gun. I took it out, pulled the trigger, and suddenly it transforms into a bigger gun with a laser beam. It’s like six pistols put together to form a handheld gun.

Impressed, I kept it inside the closet. I’ll be back for it later. I took the shoes, black flats, and wore. I found my way around the place.

Of course, it’s like a pig’s den.

“HELP!” someone croaks. I realize it’s a girl’s voice. It came from a room to my right. Without any hesitation I went straight for that room and my eyes widen. Inside that room, are twenty or so girls, all bound and tied to the walls. I took a closer look, they weren’t gagged, and their mouths are stitched shut.

There was a girl who had a bad stich and she managed to croak. I run towards her. She looks like a doctor with dark skin, long flowing black hair and terrified eyes.

“Who are you?” I ask, as I tried to free her but the chains are too hard to break.

“I am Crezelda…who are you?” she says, shaking a bit.

“Leo, call me Leo, did they take you from…?”

“Yes, they took all of us, they plan on selling us.” She says, shaking her head, tears form in her eyes.

“I need to teach those morons a lesson.” I say. My hands balling into fists.

“You can’t. They have guns, at this rate you might end up like us.” She says sadly.

“I’m gonna kill them for this. I wasn’t born without a reason. I need to find a way to get all of you free.”

“There’s no way, all of us are bound, and they’re the only ones with the keys.”

“I’ll figure something out. I’m not letting this pass so easily.” I say then suddenly I remember the gun.


“Where is that girl?” I ask, wiping my bloody arm, face and abdomen.

“I don’t know, still getting dressed I think.” Eyes replies.

“What is taking her so long?” I ask.

“Who knows? Want me to check?” Eyes wiggles his eyebrows. Trust me he’s more of a pervert than I am.

“Nah, you’ll end up dead if you do that.” I say, taking a new shirt. Everyone was still at the first level training. No one has ever beaten me, but she did because I let her. No one can pass me so easily.

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” He says. Lounging on my chair.

“Pfft. You’re an idiot, you know that?” I say.

“Yup, that’s why I’m you’re right hand, remember?” He says as I sat down beside him.

“Yeah, and as my right hand you should know that I’m the only one allowed to see whatever’s under those clothes, got that?” I say menacingly.

*Alexandria’s POV

I run straight back where I came from and got the gun out of the closet. I keep turning my head just in case someone was there. I pulled the trigger and it transforms.

I run straight back to the room where the girls are. There’s a button that say laser and the side of the gun and I pushed it. Immediately I pointed it straight at the chains bounding Crezelda. It splits apart and she land on the floor in a crouch. The other girls who are also bound a couple of feet from the ground seem to get excited.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins until I was practically shooting everywhere. All of them land safely. These are Aviators yet they were just captured? They’re the most protected people of all time, how come they’re the one being hunted and not us?

They thank me, they give me hugs and kiss my cheek.

I tell them it was nothing.

I’ve shot all of those chains and they got free. Now this is just the first phase. The key is not to get caught. They run, all of the girls, they run with the lightest feet making no sound at all. Crezelda thanks me and I say it was no problem.

They run towards the north where the exit is and from there they’ll run towards the wall for help. Hopefully they won’t get caught.

I remained in the room, turning the gun back to normal.

I smirk, this is why they shouldn’t have kept me.

Suddenly I feel a stabbing pain the pit of my stomach, I double over. The pain is overwhelming like a heart burn or something. I can’t breathe properly. My heart starts to race. What is happening to me?! My vision blurs, I stare down my hands, my skin is turning into some kind of yellow shade, and my hair extends longer and longer until I have fur growing out of me. I yell in pain. Sweat trickles from my forehead. Spots appear on my yellow fur. My vision changes, color drains from my sight. I feel my teeth elongate. My back bends and stretches. I can feel my legs bend like a cat’s. My hands become two legs. My ears move on top of my head. I can everything now, loud and clear.

I howl in pain, but my howl isn’t like a human’s anymore.

I recognize this animal anywhere in the world.

It’s a Leopard.

I’ve turned into one.

I am Leo.

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