Chapter Three

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[Ria's POV]

"Stephanie!” I yell in the corridor.

“In the kitchen” she yells. I run towards the kitchen and find her frying something. She turns the stove off and places something on the plate.

“What is this?” I say taking the thing by its tail and brought it in front of my face.

“Um… that’s… that’s um a possum?” she says unsure.

“A possum? In the middle of a city? Just tell me it’s a rat!”

“Why should I? You’ve already figured it out” she says. I gape at the rat and settled its brown figure back on the plate. “Say you look rather blooming today, do you like someone?”

“Yeah.” I slip. Oh, shoot.

“You do? Who is he?”

“He’s no one. I swear Stephanie. It’s no one” I say hurriedly.

“You’re keeping secrets from me?” she pouts. I smile evilly, I am so not telling her.

“Kinda…” I say. “Hey, Steff, um… I’ll go see mom for a sec.”

“Of course. Go on ahead but once you come back you tell me all of the details, okay?” She wiggles her eyebrows and nods I should go. I gave her a smile and turn towards the ladder.

In the morning sun the abandoned apartment looks like a haunted house. After that epic kiss with Josh, I ran away from him as far as I can and ended here. I know it’s pretty stupid to be running from a guy after he confessed his love to you and he may not talk to me ever again but I panicked. I would never know how love felt like if it weren’t for him. I sigh inwardly, I shouldn’t have run.

I open the door and saw Trey taking off the tubes of mom.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I yell. Running and pushing him aside. 

He pushes me and continues to take the machines off. I struggle to stop him. I am not letting him kill my only ray of light.

“Ria stop!” he yells.

“NO! You stop! Get the hell away from my mother!” I yell as I grab his hand to prevent him from taking the last machine off the socket. I kick him hard in the gut but he already pulled it. My mother’s body begins to convulse.

“Mom! Mom!” I yell, shaking her.

“It’s no use, Ria. She’s dying.” Trey says, standing up and clutching his stomach.

“You monster! How could you?! WHY?!” I yell and push him hard against the wall. I balled my hand into fist and hit him hard on the face. Blood splutters from his mouth. I kick him in the stomach. I shove him to the floor and kicked him. I didn’t care, I would beat the crap out of him.

“How could you?! HOW COULD YOU?!” I scream. Tears streaming down my face. I kick him. But that isn’t enough. I know it isn’t. My mom, my mom is gone and no matter how many times I would kill Trey, it won’t bring her back. Vaguely I realize that I am being lifted in the air. I kick and thrash blindly. Yelling at Trey’s bloody figure.

“RIA! RIA! HEY X!” Marvin shakes my shoulder. Even though he’s in front of me, his voice sounds distant. I sob. He shakes me harder and I look at him. Tears pouring out of my eyes.

“ALEXANDRIA!” he yells one last time and hits my face. That snaps me back to reality.

“Why are you beating Trey?!” he yells at my face. My face just only healed and now I’m hit again. I stare at Trey’s body that is being helped up by Stephanie. I stare at him in disgust.

“Alexandria!” he yells.

“WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU!” I yell and his face. Trey and Stephanie exit the room.

“Why did you beat the crap out of him?! I know you hate him! I know he hasn’t been the dad he should’ve been! But why would you beat him up to death?!”

“HE KILLED MOM OKAY?! He took all of the machines off! He took it all off, Marvin! All of it and now mom is dead because of him!” I scream in despair. I point at mom’s body. Lifeless and not moving.

“NO! That’s impossible! He couldn’t –” he says collapsing on the ground. He buries his head in his hands.  

“But he did.” I whisper. I crouch in front of him. He seems to be having a hard time to understand. He never cried, not once so this must be really tricky.

“I am going to kill him!” he mutters under his breath.

“I already gave you a head start” I whisper.

“I’ll be right back, Ria!” he mutters and he gets up and runs down the ladder. I stand up and walk to mom. I held her hand tight.

“Mom…why? I’m gonna miss you… I will avenge you… I promise” I say quietly. A tear leaves my eye. Then suddenly as I begin to let go, I hear a gun shot.

I practically jumped from the second floor all the way to the first. Did he actually do it? Did he actually kill Trey? I run all the way to the living room to find several men wearing white and helmets that covered their faces. The eyeholes are made of tinted glass. I take a step back and someone notices me. I look at the bloody figure of Marvin, and then at the bloody state of Trey, my eyes soon found Stephanie screaming. The figures run towards me and I run. I run with a thousand thoughts roaming through my mind. I trip on my own two feet but I didn’t fall. I couldn’t afford it. I run all the way up to the door ready to tear it apart and off its hinges when it suddenly flings open. One of the white men, and he’s holding a gun. He points it at me and everything went dark. 

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