Chapter 15

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I wake up in my bed. I get dressed and walk down the stairs.

"Tarrant?" The crock pot blows, Tarrant made tea for me. I go and take it of the stove and there is a note on the table.

Good morning love,

I went to go tell the white Queen you are not fighting. We need to get Alice to want to fight, that's where you come in. Love I need you to convince her, please. Tell her that she can do it, make her feel like she is very large and the red Queen is small.

I love you, I will see you later.

P.S. I mad tea for you. Relax, don't over think.

Alright. I can do this. I drink my tea and go out the door to find Alice.

"Alice?!" I call around the village. Then I go to the tea party. She sitting next Cheshire. "Alice, can I speak with you?"

"Uh... okay." She says and stands up and walks with me to where Tarrant's family died. "What is this about?"

"I just wanted to talk with you." Calm her down Monica.

"Well why couldn't we have talked with the others."

"Alice. Are you scared of me?" She doesn't answer but look down. "Come on love. You have no reason to be afraid of me."

"It's just that you are so strong and I feel so weak."

"Alice. You know hatter talks about you a lot. Even when you weren't here. He always told me that you were one of the strongest, toughest, most imaginative person he has ever had the privilege to meet. His exact words might I add." She looks at me with a smile. "And I feel the same."

"I always felt like you didn't like me."

"Oh. Please my dear any friend of Tarrant is a friend of mine."

"You think I'm strong?"

"Absolutely. I've never thought any different." I give her a smile and she returns it. "Alice. I need a favor."

"What is it?" Her face of worry.

"You need to go to war." Her face completely shocked. "Please. Tarrant is going and your the only one who can defeat the red Queen... what I'm asking is... for you to make sure Tarrant comes back."

"But I can't beat her."

"Alice. Please you are underland's last hope. If the white Queen does not regain her crown. We shall all perish." I give her pleading eyes. But she runs.


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