Chapter 18

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*Monica's Pov*

5:30 am



"We've been up all night."

"Have we? I hadn't noticed, your beauty has blocked the out side world from my eyes." He pecks my lips. "We need to talk to Alice." Then there's a mock at the door.

"Hello?" I say towards the door.

"It's Alice." I look at hatter, his face shocked.

"Coming!" Then I stand up and look at hatter. "Go to your room." I whisper and he nods and goes. I walk to the door and open it to a puffy eyed Alice. "What's wrong ,dear?"

"I have to go to war."

"Darling you don't have to do anything... Should you go to war? Yes, I do think that, I mean come on Alice you will be saving an entire Kingdom. But... you can not live you life to please others." She nods that she understands.

"It's just Absolum reminded me that everything here is real and not a dream. The hatter and him, and you."

"Darling I could have told you that I came from a place outside of this."

"I know but being me, I would have been stubborn and not listen." I nod.

"Alice what are you saying?"

"I need to go to war. I want to..." she says trailing off. I try so hard to hide my excitement. And I can here Tarrant jumping around in the other room.

"Well I suppose you should tell the white Queen." She nods vigorously, guess she forgot.

"I'll be on my way then, thank you Monica." she says after giving me a hug goodbye.

"Good bye dear." Then I feel hands on my waist pulling me down back on the couch. Coming to find that it's Tarrant.

"What magic did you do to say such things." he says with a smile.

"I used no magic."

"Then you are a pure wonder." He says matter of factly.

"I suppose."

"No, but seriously. You did good dear."

"We should get ready you have to leave in thirty minutes."

"Oh." He says looking at his watch. "Your right." I go to my room and put on a dress. (Picture).

"Monica you look beautiful." I hear the voice I thought I would never hear again.


"In the mental flesh." She says smiling.

"Thank you." I say referring to her complement. I am really shocked.

"Monica?" I hear Tarrant enter. I turn to him.

"Yes love?"

"It's time to go." I nod and we walk out   of the house. To where Tarrant was told to meet the others. Me and hatter get there a little early and then Cheshire shows up. As does Mally and the March hare. Then Alice comes riding in on the bander snatch. Which makes me and hatter smile at her. The the white queens horse comes striding next to us. Then the white queens army. Which means the white Queen will be here soon. So I kiss hatter on the cheek. His hands leaning on his sword. He turns to me and smirks.

"I love you Monica."

"I love you too Tarrant."

The white Queen joins and Tarrant helps her on her horse. She looks at me and smiles.

"I hope you all return home safely." I say as my eyes graze over all their faces. Then they nod and leave.

Let me know what you think will happen in the comments. Don't forget to vote. And thanks for the reads. Lots of love.


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