Chapter 31

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*Monica's Pov*

I get to the queen's castle and walk into her chambers on honorary meetings.

"Your majesty." Her face looks in my direction.

"Monica." Her voice frantic. "Everyone please leave!" She says trying to sound calm. Everyone walks out. "Monica. How are you?"

"I'm okay your majesty. Excuse me if I seem rude but why did you ask for me to come here?" She gives me a warm smile.

"You aren't being rude at all. I'm just worried about you and Tarrant."

"May I ask why?"

"Tarrant has been know to get a little..." she trails off.

"A little what?"

"Violent." She says holding back in fear of me blowing up on her. I just chuckle. She's shocked at my response. "What's funny?"

"I thought you knew." I continue to chuckle.

"Knew what?" She asks surprised.

"That I have a little monster too. Her name is Volcano. Wow, I could have sworn I told you."

"Well that doesn't change my feelings." I look at her with a 'calm down I got it' face.

"Trust me if Tarrant's monster was going to kill me Volcano won't go do without a fight. Volcano and I have an agreement. He and his monster on the other hand." I look down then back at her slowly. "He has his demons." I say slowly. "As do I." Her face shows truth.

"As do we all." She says as she sits down. "If you have it under control, then I have no reason to worry correct?" I nod reassuringly. "Okay, that's it Monica. I know your fiance will be wanting you home soon." I nod  my head and stand up. As I'm about to walk out the door. "Monica, stay staff."

"I will your majesty."

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