Chapter 27

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"No." He wants to die and he thinks he is doing it for me. Is he insane? He stands up.

"Majesty." He says looking at her. She looks at him and at me.

"Yes, Uh... okay." She says and walks by me. Tarrant still not looking at me but at the floor. His fists clinched.

"Explain." I say practically yelling. His tears hitting the ground. "Tarrant." I say softer. He turns around. Looking away from me. "Baby?" I need him to look at me. I take a step, he doesn't notice. I take another. "Remember when we went to the tea table." I keep stepping closer, he's still not noticing. "And Mally had thrown a cube of sugar at March and it hit him square in the face. And he acted like nothing had happened." I am three steps away from him. I should stop. "And you laughed so hard you looked like Chesh and..." I grab at his hand and slowly turn him around. A faint sad smile on his face. "When you were done you grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek." His smile grows, not alot but enough for me to notice. "And I asked why you did that?" He nods slowly. "And you said because I really enjoy that you're in existence." He just nods again. I mean it's something. I grab his other hand and put them both on my hips. I wrap my  arms around his neck. "I love you, don't stop existing." I lock my eyes with his. He nods. "No, say it. You said you wouldn't lie to me. I want you to say it."

"I can't. What about Monster?" His features forming a wanting of hope. But the flood of tears start to come.

"What about Monster? He can go suck on an egg for all I care." He chuckles which makes me giggle. "What's important is that I love you, you love me. And I'll be there when he comes back like you are when Volcano comes. I don't blame you for anything that he does." I cup his cheek and he grabs my hand and he leans into it. "I don't want to lose you." He lets go of my hand and cups my face. He pulls me in and kisses me. Long, sweet, and to the point. 

"I'm sorry-" He says once we pull away.

"Shh... Nothing to be sorry about love." I pull him into a hug. "Nothing at all."

"I won't stop existing." He says as he hugs me tighter. Thank god.

Wow. I can't even with my characters right now. I love what has become of my characters. Sorry I should have added a trigger warning, like three chapters ago. OPPS...   okay bye guys.



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