Chapter 12

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Shizuo knew he should be worried. Izaya was out scheming things and Shizuo could very well be the center of all his schemes this time. Although he was sure that Izaya would never pay any mind to a 'brainless monster' like him, the bartender had a feeling that this wasn't the case anymore.

When he woke up to a simple note saying:
Don't die today~

All his suspicions were confirmed. Izaya was undoubtably planning something, and whatever scheme it was Shizuo required his attention for it to succeed.

The only thing the bartender felt was rage. The fact that this was the only reason Izaya would pay attention to him pissed him off. Its not that he wanted Izaya's attention but it would be nice if when they fought the informant wouldn't so obviously half-heartedly fight; it made Shizuo feel like he was weak, and the last thing Shizuo was is weak.

In a blind rage, the bartender almost killed a multiple people and completely destroyed lots of buildings and sidewalks. He probably should have taken Tom's offer to skip work today, but instead he decided it would be a good idea to work off his stress, and in a way it was. Once he finshed raging, Tom gave him a look and said that they should take a break for the rest of the day. Shizuo agreed willingly, not even making a move to argue with his boss.

The two stopped at a local fast food restaurant, where Vorona waited sitting at the booth with a bag of sweets next to her."Hello Tom. Hello Shizuo," she said sitting up straighter as the two came in.

"Hi Vorona." Tom said while Shizuo just nodded at her, sitting down and ordering a drink.

Vorona opened her sweets, taking a bite and then looking over at the two men."How was work today? You seem to have gotten off earlier than usual. Shizuo also looks much more, I hope I'm not being rude, ruffed up than usual."

Tom scratched the back of his head sheepishly."Well lets just say Shizuo was feeling extra angry today."

Shizuo glared at Tom making the other flinch slightly, letting out a short nervous laugh. The bartender looked away from them, watching the people as the walked down the street.

The blonde's eyes locked on a couple across the street. They both held each other gently, giving one another sweet kisses as they giggled at some joke between each other, or maybe it was just the high of the emotion they were feeling that made them do such a thing.

"Young love is so nice, isn't it?" Tom said, sighing as if his was missing out on something.

Vorona and Shizuo both gave Tom questioning looks which Tom returned. His questioning look slowly became one of shock at how oblivious the two were."Wait are you telling me you have never been in love?!" Tom looked between the two noticing how their somewhat dumbfounded looks never left their faces.

"I don't need to feel such a trivial emotion such as love," Vorona said with a look of indifference.

"I love Kasuka." was all Shizuo said, glancing back at the couple.

Tom covered his head in his hands, groaning at the two."Its good to experience love,  and not just sibling love Shizuo. You might say love in a pointless emotion but its one of the center-most emotions we feel. Affection will lead to love, lust as well, even hate could lead to love if that is what you desired. Honestly, its a very interesting emotion."

"I have no need for 'interesting emotions'," Vorona said, giving Tom another blank looks.

"Vorona! Don't be so negitive!"

At this point, Shizuo had drowned out the pairs voices. He looked out the window again watching as the couple slowly walked away in each others arms. Briefly he wondered if he could ever do that, fall in love, go on dates, walk down the street hand in hand with another person.

'Love, huh...' Shizuo thought.'I don't need anything like that.'

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