TDI day...

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YES! This is tobadirector. So, yeah. I have other of these crappy stories, and I didn't want to to be on my other channel. And this is "day 1". 

NOTE: I don't own TDI!


My mom and I were at the dock. "I’m going to miss you, Celeste!" my mom cried.

"I'll miss you to!" I said. We hugged and then I stepped on the dock to go who knows where doing who knows what. That didn’t come out right.

Anyway, I’m 16 now and old enough to compete in this new competion; Total Drama Island. A reality show with 22 other teens all fighting to get the 100,000 dollars. I guess it won’t be so bad, I’m staying in a 5 star resort so, and it can’t be bad! Right? I signed up for 2 reasons: 1. so I won’t get bored on my summer. 2. I can win $100,000 and be on TV. How cool is that?

I got on the boat, and in a few hours, I was at the camp. It looked NOTHING like they said it would. It was an actual camp. I saw 22 other people there, and I was the last person to arrive. I threw my blue polka dotted backpack over my should and turned off my iPod that I was listening to the whole time I was on the boat.

 “And here is our last contestant, Celeste!" Chris said.

“Um...i thought we were staying at a 5 star resort?" I nearly yelled, confused.

 “Yeah, well, we lied!” He sounded please at my anger.

"What? I did NOT sign up for this!" I am going to kill if he isn’t kidding.              

“Actually you did!" He was almost laughing at my disappointment. He held up contracts that I barely remember signing. I seriously did?! Crap!

"I said the same thing," some Goth chick with blue and black hair said. I ignored her.

"I’m ou-" I turned to see the boat left. I growled and went to stand next to the Goth girl. Great. Just great. Now I have to stay as some crappy camp. I hate summer camp. Too many bad memories. *Shudders*

 "You really said the same thing?" I asked her, remembering what she said about this being a camp.

"Yeah.” She rolled her eyes. I’m not sure if that was meant for me, or at Chris. I hope it was at Chris. “He showed me the contract and I ripped it up. Then, he pulled out another one!” She stomped her foot angry, no doubt. I don’t think that anyone would really stomp out of joy though. I swear if you say the song “if you’re happy and you know it” I will be so mad. “I’m Gwen by the way.”

“I would say my name, but I think you already heard him say it,” I shrugged. She nodded.

 “First things first. We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone to the end of the dock” Chris said motion us to it. I walked next to Gwen, and next to me was this scrawny kid who was wearing geeky clothes. I crossed my arms and put on a completely fake smile that didn’t even show my teeth. I quickly fixed it since I didn’t want to look like an idiot, although annoyance was writing all in my eyes still.  “Ok, 1, 2, 3, oops.” Everyone moved a little. “Forgot the lense cap. Ok hold that pose, 1, 2, Oh no wait cards full, hang on.”

“Oh my gosh,” I said. I was impatient enough as it is, no need to further the feeling.

“Come on man my face is starting to freeze” a girl said. I couldn’t catch her face.

“’Kay, got it. Now everyone say Wawakankwa!” Chris said.

We all yelled, “Wawakankwa!” But then we heard cracking. We all screamed and fell in the water.

TDI day...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt