|| Chapter 30 || I Missed You

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        Everything was quiet in the blood covered field, the only sound there was that of wind blowing softly. A knight lied there in the grass, his chest slowly rising and falling as he took calm but painful breaths. 

There he lied, among all the blood grass as he stared up at the smoke filled sky. He didn't know if any of the others there were still alive but if they were, they most likely were like him; slowly dying without anyone to say goodbye too. But he didn't mind no saying goodbye to anyone.

He stared up at the sky, a blank expression painted on his face as he thought about all the events that have happened in his life leading to this. A few mouths ago, the kingdom was sent into war as no one could really stop it. This mean't many men had to fight, including the poor knight. Now he's here, lying in his own blood and slowly dying. 

He couldn't feel bad for himself, its not like he had much for him if he would have lived. He wasn't like the other soldier men who had family's and friends, wives and children...he was alone but he didn't mind that at all. Its not like having family or friends would have saved him from this, nothing could have for everyone must die at some point, this was now his turn.

Sighing, he slowly closed his eyes, tired of looking at the dark, smoky sky. He now just lied there now in darkness, the pain he felt both physically and mentally seeming to slowly fade away until it was no more.

"Oi, you just going to plan on lying there forever or are you going to keep your promise and get up to see me again?" A voice asked as the knight opened his blue eyes, seeing a smirking girl with (e/c) eyes staring down at him as she stood there with her hands on her hips, tilting her head," I could always come back and wake you up in hundred years if you still want me too."

"No, I've already waited too long to see you again," he smiled a bit, sitting up and looking to the girl as she laughed, offering him a hand. Once he took it, she pulled him up. To his surprise, she pulled him up and pressed her lips to his however its not like he was going to complain about this. No, it was a kiss he had waited for and dreamed about for many years now.

Pulling away, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, bringing her close to him. Smiling, she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes," its nice to finally see you again after all these years...I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too, (Y/n)..."

'Everything stays, right where you left it...Everything stays, but it still changes...Ever so slightly, daily and nightly...In little ways...when everything stays...'

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