Part 6

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"Mama can you put the Fwozen muic on pwlese" Asks Mariabella.

"Frozen,Frozen,Frozen,Frozen" All the other girls began to chant.I look at the Cullens "Are you guys okay with that" I ask them hoping they say no cause I know what happens next all 5 of them nods I sigh and turn on Do you want to build a snowman all 4 girls pretend to knock and then they start belting out all the lyrics it reminded me back in high school when me Ang and Jes would go dress shopping and scream sing just as my girls are doing now but instead we would do it to the new one hit wonder of the week.Soon the girls want me to sing loud with them to soon we had Emmett and Alice too now Mariabella really was out to get Emmett cause she is begging him to sing and soon we had the entire car rocking out to Frozen.Not very long after we arrive at our first stop.

I take Mariabella from Emmett and enter through the rainbow painted door to the horror that is her daycare.Jessica Stanley was standing behind the counter manning it she owns this daycare I honestly could never see her doing that but hey whatever makes you happy! "Hey Jess" I say as Mariabella runs up to her yelling aunt Jessie" I quickly sign Mariabella in then quickly bid my goodbyes to Jess and rush out to get the others to school. I climb in and we in off to the Elementary school.When we get there I turn to my girls give each a hug and a kiss and they are off "Okay lets get you guys to school now sorry about Mariabella Emmett by the way but hey if its not you it would have been me so im not that sorry at all" He sticks his tongue out at me and I simply role my eyes back at him.Soon we arrive to high school aka the reason I have money so I have to show up or else im pretty much screwed. "Okay last stop for now everyone out"I say in a joking tone.I slowly make my way up the driveway into the school and start another day of life.

The school day went by uneventful as ever soon the final bell goes off and I wait for the girls to get here off the bus not long after all the girls arrive and the Cullens enter one at a time soon I climb in the van wanting to get tonight work done as soon as possible we arrive at the house since the girls wanted the cullens to play with them tonight I notice Mariabella seems to favorite Emmett out of the Cullens "Girls what do you want for supper?"I yell after ive finished work for the evening "Chicken uggets and ries"Yells Mariabella since she was the only one who answered I grabbed the neciacary things and began cooking.I walk upstairs to check on the girls finding a princess which looked like Emmett I slowly get my phone to take a photo hoping he does not notice he most likely did but did not say a thing.Okay girls time for supper and if you guys want you can leave thanks for watching them!

Soon after we finish our meal I check the time geez its already 8:00 girls time for bed.I hear several groans.I grab Mariabella since she still cant get dressed by herself yet.I grab her favorite shopkins pj's slip them on and send her off to brush her teeth.Soon after all the girls were all ready for bed I dug out The Lorax for supper not even 10 pages in all the girls were passed out asleep.I decide to call Mike since ive had no time this past week he answers within the first ring "Hey honey i missed you" He says very exited to be able to hear her voice "Oh I missed you to" I say back. Soon we ended up talking for about 4 hours "Hey when you coming home"I ask before we hang up Mike took his family business across the country so hes trying to make it an international company so that mean loads of business meetings. "How does tomorrow sound to you"He asks. "I let out a squeal of exitment. "Great what time do you want me to come get you" I ask very exited. "Well I left my car there and I wont be coming in till like 5 am So ill just drive myself home" He says "Well Id really like to be there so ill just pick you up"I say back annoyed he did not want me to see him that early. "Well why not save time and gas"He says "Because ive been looking forward to seeing you so why should not I be there to pick you up" I ask annoyed "Cause maybe im savoring the peace and quiet while it lasts"He snaps back "AND WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I yell in the phone. "I WOULD LIKE A BREAK FROM YOUR WHINNING ABOUT HOW IM NEVER HOME"He yells back and with that I hang up and crawl in bed with tears streaming down my face I hear the phone ring I ignore it and I drift off to sleep.


Aw poor Bella.This was  kind of a key piece of the story hopefully you paid attention! I hope you liked it as much as I did writing it. Dont forget to Vote Comment Share and Follow



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