Chapter 13 or 14 Idk

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I wake up with a layer of cold sweat on my forehead I sign in relief it was all a dream maybe Lindsey is still here.I attempt to get up but something restrains me from doing so I look down and see the familier arms of Edward Cullen. I roll over or at least I attempt to roll over so I could see his face "Good morning how did you sleep" He asked. "Fine." He gave me a look and I know he knows I did not sleep well at all I roll my eyes in response and try to get up once more but he refuses to let me go I give him an agrivated look frustrated since A I needed to pee really bad and B I wanted to see if it was all a dream I wanted to see if one of my girls were truly missing "Please let me go I would like to check on something." I say trying to with hold all the frustration it is common sense not to anger a pregnat women unless you have a death wish of course. "No we need to talk things for example what you want to do about Lindsey" He asks. I begin to sob since I had that one tiny thread of hope and he just tore it away and left me free falling. He wraps his arms around me a little bit tighter and whispers sweet things in my ear how it would all be okay someday. I soon slightly calm down and just take a deep breath "Okay first of all let me go because I may explode if I do not use a bathroom soon!" He slowly realeses me I stand up I hear a gasp I turn and look at him weirdly " Bella your baybie bump is showing!" I look down and see how my stomache is sticking out just slightly but it could just be passed of as fat but I know I slowly put my hand on the exposed flesh and smile down at the life I am nuturing inside of me. I look up at Edward and he was smiling at my stomache as if it were his kid in my stocmache. I slowly take his icy hand in mine and put it on my bump. He looks at me in shock that I just did that and he smiles at me with just pure joy. "My docters apointment is tomorow to get and ultrasound would you like to come with me?" I ask not even thinking about what I was saying. He looks at me with shock for a second and gives me a smile that could block out the sun. All of a sudden I am in his arms being spun around "Yes of course I will thank you thank you thank you so much for giving me this ive allways wanted this with you..." He stops I look at him with shock and smile down at him "You actually wanted to have kids with me and everything?" I ask "Yes of course I did" I slowly lean forward cautioning him with my eyes about what I was about to do in a few seconds I slowly bring my lips to his and kiss him with all the strength I could muster he was shocked for a second but he slowly began to respons to my kiss I soon felt his hands in my hair and we slowly back up after that "Wow" I whisper and touch my warm lips.

The next day we arrive at the docters office preparing for my first ultrasound I look around at all the couples and smile up at Edward warmly I hear the bored voice of the nurse call my name next. I get up and lace my fingers through Edwards and walk through the doors into the room where my new fate lies my fate of being maybe a single mother of a child who never knew his or her father I know it will be a chalenge but I think I am ready. I sit on the extremly uncomfortable chair and wait. "Are you exited?" Asks Edward I smile and nod kinda wishing Mike could have been here a little bit


GUYS THERE IS LESS THAN A DAY TILL CHRISMAS EVE!!!!! I know I did not update but I can explain so where I live I can not get high speed internet so towards the end of the month I begin to run out of internet and so some sites (Like wattpad ) dislike me so they do not load! Also there is less than a month till exams and I am terrified!!!!!

Sooo what do you guys want for chrismas? All I want for chrismas this year is books!

Dont forget tooooooo Vote Comment Follow annnnnd Share rember guys sharing is caring lol

Anyways byyyyyyye


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