Chapter 11

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I nearly face plamed of course it was my birthday today how could I forget. Geez am I really 38 years old? Man I feel old now I laugh thinking of how horrible 18 felt for me now here I am celabrating 38 years. Soon all the Cullens show up and instead of eating bacon and eggs we had cake for breakfast " Now girls dont be asking for this every single day." I give Mariabella a knowing look since she has the biggest sweet tooth in the family "Don't worry Maria I got you covered"Said Emmett with a huge grin on his face. I give him the best death stare I could before bursting into laughter.

"Okay present time" Sang Alice. I roll my eyes she knew how much I hated presents. I open the first one I see it was from Mariabella I find a keychain that said "I <3 you mommy" I give her a big hug I open the other gifts from the girls to find a card from Jelaina, A braclet from Carmen and a mirror from Lindsey. I open the one from Emmett and Rose first I find a new perfume and a condom...... I give Emmett a glare and quickly put it away before someone notices it. I work on the rest of the gifts I got generic girl things new jewlry and perfume I save Edwards gift for last I open it to find a braclet with a small heart made of dimond attached to it "It was my Moms" He says while smilling softly. Soon we finish the party up and I head up to my room to relax for hopefully a minute.

I flop on my bed just wanting to nap for a while but my cell phone begins to ring thinking it was the school calling I did not bother looking at the caller I.D "Id watch my kids more carefully if I were you" then the caller hung up.


I know its a short chapter! But I will be updaiting in the next 30 seconds so that makes it better does it not.  Thank you to the person who gave me this idea ( you know who you are). If you have any ideas message me I dont want anyone knowing exactly what will happen. I will be going to We Day this week so I will have 6 hours to write since that is the closet we day Tyler Shaw and Justin Trudeaus Mom will be there I'm super exited

The question this week is what is your favorite book character and why?

Mine is  Sophie Foster from Keeper of the lost cities no clue why but I just do!

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