Part 8

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I feel something cool wrapped around me I open my eyes to see Edward looking down at me with a strange expression on his face. "Good morning how did you sleep?" He asks softly almost as if he was afraid of scaring me away with just the sound of his voice. "Okay. I guess?" I respond slowly wondering why he is holding me in his arms as if I was precious cargo. "You guess?" He asks. "I mean the father of my children is dead and 2 of them will probably never remember what it was like to have a Dad and then this baby is guaranteed to not have any memories of him and the kids who do remember him will have a harder time adjusting to life without him i mean at least he wasn't that involved in their lives." I say feeling relived after finally having told someone how I truly felt about my situation. He smiles slightly as if he understood what I was going through I mean what the heck is he smiling about I just poured my heart out in front of him and he just smiles what the heck? "I don't understand what you are going through but I just want to be here for you whatever you need whenever just come talk to me" He says and he just lets me lay on his chest while stroking my hair.

A few hours later I finally decide to get up and take care of my responsibilities I tread downstairs and feel a pair of little arms hugging me around the legs I look down to find Mariabella "Good morning sweetie do you want something to eat?" I ask not 100% sure what time it was "No twhans Mommy emmet gwave mwe nummies when me woke up" She says shyly almost as if she was scared of getting yelled at about something then it clicks "What did Emmett give you sweetie?" I ask hoping that she did not say something that has horrible things inside "Chocolate" She says with a fearful expression on her face. " Honey what did I say about having sweets in the morning?" I said in a stern voice. "Ywo said nwt two be eatin the bwt Emmett said that it was okay"She says absolutely terrified that I would do something. "Honey where is Emmett?" I ask needing to explain a little something called rules to him. She just shrugs so I stalk off alone to search for him hoping my hormones don't get the best of me.

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