Chapter 17

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"We think we have figured who put you in the coma Bella." Carlisle says I feel Edward stiffen under me. "Who?" I ask afraid the answer would be worse than my imagigtonation had conjured up "It seems Victoria has aquired an imprentance who has a gift to put anyone they chose into a deep coma like sleep." Carlilse said with a frown on his face.I hear a growl from behind me obiously from Edward "We must kill her!" Growls out Edward. What is it with him and growling I mean scowling works perfectally fine for me when I am frustrated with something. "Why would she go after me when its been over twenty years since the incindent and also it would have been a lot easier to pick me off without a coven of vampires to protect me?" I ask frustrated. "I have no idea it would be much easier to fight a human then a whole clan of vampires set on protecting the human you originally wanted to kill!" Says Carlise while running his hands through his hair obiously frustrated with not knowing the answer to an imposible question yet a key question to figure out such a difficult puzzle! "How about we just take a break so Bella can process this I think we are stressing her out too much!"Said Edward obiously stressed out himself. I roll my eyes at him and he smirked back. I feel my legs be taken out from under me I did not even notice him moving closer to me I glare at him and decided not to even waste my breath.

A few hours later I find myself playing Monapaly with the girls I never realized how long this game took we had been sitting here for and hour and no one was even close to finishing the game. "Girls can you play by yourself for a second Mommy needs to go to the bathroom." I ask lying since I just wanted to get up and walk around for a minute. I slowly get up and strech I now could not even see my feet anymore being 5 months pregnat it had been so long since Mike had died I found myself thinking of him less and less as time went on. I can not belive Edward actually picked me up even though I probally looked like a whale speak of the devil and he will appear I feel hands wrap around me as far as my stomache would allow. "Are you okay I mean after dealing with all the stress there must be something you want to talk about other then your childrens deaths." He says after he kisses me in the neck. I turn and look at him surprised he wanted to risk talking to a hormonal pregnat women risking yelling or tears or both. I think about what would have been hapeining this time last year I would be preparing supper waiting for Mike to come home. I realize that I should probally begin preparing for the babies arrival since I have done nothing to actually prepare my next apointment was tomorow to find our what the genders were and I am a little bit exited but nervous too going through this without the babies father. " I think after the apointment tommorow we should begin preparing the nursery and buying clothing so we can actually be ready instead of me wadiling around Walmart at 8 months pregnat would you like to help me chose things for the nursery" I ask a little bit scared that he would turn me down. "Of course I will I will be there for you every step of the way okay?" He asks I grin up at him exited about him being there for me even though he really did not have to!


640 words!

Hope you guys liked this chapter I am beginning to become better with updating but since this school year is nearly over I will have more time to update. BTW happy easter to those he celebrate it! ANNNNND DONT FORGET TOOOOO Vote, Comment Share annnd FOLLOW


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