Chapter 16

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"Bella come on Bella wake up hon your alright your just dreaming honey come on wake up"I slowly peeled my eyes open confused what was a dream? Surely Lindsey is still dead I mean I am not that creative to make up my own daughters death am I? I turn to meet the familier eyes of Edward Cullen I saw the familier emotion of worry in his eyes. "Thank the lord!" I heard him mummer under his breath. "What happened to me is Lindsey still alive?" He looked at me weirdly "Yes she is why are you asking?"

[Make Victoria find herself someone who can force people into commas and make them deam what she wants her too and threaten Bellas childrens life!]

"She was killed by Victoria" I looked at him weirdly for not knowing this old news. "No you have been in a coma for the past few days gave me and the rest of my family a heart attack if that is phsically possible..." I try and remember what could have happened to have caused this horrible accident. "Why was I in a comma?" I ask in fear he would not be able to answer. "We dont know you just did not wake up for sevral days nothing brought it on" He says with a blank facial expreison. I gave a weary facial expresion that does not happen there must bea cause does there not to be put in a coma unless someone snuck in to the house and did that to me but I had no grudeges against someone except Victoria but why would she try and kill me now its not like I did anything to anger her now I mean she has had 20 years to take a swing at me why would she choose now its not like wait a second I am back with Edward now would she be jelous that we have found each other? No thats not possible why would she care I shook it off. I just realized that Edward was staring at me like I was nuts. "Where did you go" He smirks acting as if that was the funniest thing in the world. I scowl at him choosing to ignore his stupid little prick ass since he thought it was a good time to crack a joke! "Come on honey it was just a joke" He said with a humorous sparkle in his eye.I pouted and he stared at my lips then back at my eyes than to my lips he slowly started leaning towards my lips and he paused making sure he had the self control to continue he apparently did and smashed his lips against mine and kissed me softly and began heating the kiss up before we were full out making out we heard a cough behind us and saw Emmett smirking at us "If you are finished sucking each others faces off Carlislise might have the answer to why Bella went into a comma." Emmett smirked I flipped him off and climbed out of the bed I was not considering I just woke up from a coma so my legs fell out from under me. Edward rushes over to me and simply picks me up bridal style my face must look like a tomato from blushing.

We make our way down the stairs when we get to the couch I went to move to sit down but Edward would not let me and simply put me on his lap I think my face just became more tomato like by the second. I turn my attention since all the others have arrived I turn and glare at Edward for not letting me sit next to him but no he has to be over possesive of me even after 20 years he is still the posesive guy he was when we were a teenager well when I was a teenager but when he was a 70 year old in a teenagers body!

"We think we have figured who put you in the coma Bella." Carlisle says I feel Edward stiffen under me.


IMMMM Back kiddies! Oh lord my parents are right I need help........ So sorry about not updating I have tons of excuses but you know you most likely really do not care about my life soooooo  anyway how are you guy so on Friday my teachers decided hey its give the largest test day at the same time so I had 4 huge tests on Friday and I think I failed my science test but you know whatever......




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