Chapter 15

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The doctor squirts the familiar cool gel on my stomach I still flinch from the coolness of it on my bare skin. Next he grabs the wand and puts it to my stomach I look at the screen eagerly wanting to see my new nugget even though I have experienced pregnancy times before I always get really excited for this moment just being able to see a new life inside of me it still blows my mind every time. I wait anxiously then I see the child but wait I can see three outlines oh lord please dont be triplets I can not handle one new addition let alone three. "Well Mrs. Newton it looks like you are having triplets congrats" and with that simple statement the doctor walks away. "Arent you exited?" Edward asks taking in my facial expression. "Yes no im exited to have a baby but I was not ready for one child let alone three children" I say. "I do understand what you are talking about Bella I know what losing someone who you love uncondionaly feels like I have experienced it with you" I ignore that last statement and slowly inch my way off the bed but I was not prepared to be swept off my feet literally by non other than Edward Cullen. I glare at him "And what exactly do you think you are doing?" I say royally pissed off that he thought it was okay to do this "I have legs and I prefer to use them thank you very much" I say letting my frustration leak into my tone of voice. "Oh I know you do but as I have learned prior to this time that you have a gift of attracting every single element that could possibly kill you in a 50 km radios come and try to kill you so I am simply protecting you of those things" He replies with a teasing grin. I roll my eyes and cross my arms childishly. Soon we arrive home and I feel the stress I had manged to forget about for the last few hours came crashing down on me not knowing if my baby was alright killed me and I nearly broke down again.

A few minutes later Edward, Jasper and Emmett set out to go and try to hunt for a trail meanwhile I decided to go and play with the other girls and try to tell them that I was going to have three more babies. I climb up the stairs to Mariabellas room to find all of them playing dolls "MOMMY" Mariabella yells and bolts towards me and hugs my legs "Hi girls can Mommy play with you guys for a bit?" I ask "Swre." Replies all three really exited since I have been so busy lately with work. They decide I was the judge it seemed that they were doing a pageant of sorts with their dolls. "Up first is Haven Haven enjoys long walks on the beach her talent is singing she wants to win just because she thought it would be fun. Up next we have Diana and she never took the time to fill out the card sooo she is out and that is how it went for the next few hours while I try to build up the courage to tell the girls that I was going to have 3 new babies. Finally after 4 hours I say "Okay girls Momma needs to tell you something really important." They all look at me waiting for me to continue what I was about to say. "You guys are getting 3 new little sisters or brothers Mommy does not know which yet" They all start jumping around and squealing like little piglets. "I not the littlest no more!" Says Mariabella. I smile down at her cuteness.

After I left the girls to continue to play a different game the boys come back right after I begin wondering where they went off too. I look at Edward hopeful that maybe they finally found my little angel. "Bella we found her but we were too late." He says really sadly I cant process what he meant by too late he means he just lost the trail and it was too late to continue but I could tell by his facial expression something much much worse had happened. "NO MY BABY IS NOT GONE!" I yell refusing to believe it suddenly an unaterel calmness overtook me and I simply glare at Jasper and he smiles apogetically at me. "When we got there we smelled her inside of an old barn we found her body without a pulse sitting in a pile of her own blood, I wish we could have saved her but by the time we got there it was too late and she was gone you did everything you could but we did find out who captured her it was Victoria it seems we will find her and make her pay I promise you that" I barely listened to most of that just the word dead seemed to ring in my head over and over again I just felt horrible if I had just paid more attention I could have helped if I just watched them more oh god how is Camren going to react she has been with Lindsey since day one and with that I fainted


So I did not die I promise just exam week is this week so ive been focusing on school more than ever since the school I want to go to is like really expensive so anyway we almost have 200 hundred reads!

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