Chapter 9

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I find him sitting watching the football game I clear my throat rudely ticked that he did not use some common sense and give my child something decent to eat at flippin 8 in the morning. He does not agnoknoledge me I clear my throat again he looks up and gives me a smirk "Yes?" I give him a look of frustruation. "Did you give my daughter sweets for breakfast?" I ask deadly calm. He just gives a cheeky smile and turns back to his stupid football game.I stomp slowly in front of the screen tiked off even more I try to not scream at him for not answering but fail "DID YOU NOT THINK TO ASK ME I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT GOES IN MY DAUGHTERS BODY AT 8AM!" I scream at him. He looks at me surprised from my sudden outburst. "Okay geesh its only a little bit of choclate" I hear him mutter under his breath.

After I confront Emmett I slowly tread up the stairs needing my bed I open the door to find Edward standing in my room with a distant look on his face "May I help you?" I ask a little rudely. He stares at me almost debating something. After a few seconds he saw something that must have encouraged him to ask "Would you go to a movie with me?" I stare at him blankly shocked he dared to ask me a question like that I mean I was just getting the hang of being in the same room with him and not either want to burst into tears or bash his head on the ground but without even really realizing what I was saying I respond with a simple yes.

"Okay go get ready." He says and leaves. I did not mean to go right at this moment but hey its better sitting around here moping around. I dig out a simple outfit consiting of a burgindy tee shirt dress and black leggings with brown ankle boots and simple gold hoops. I quickly curl my hair and apply simple makeup grab a bag and make my way to find Edward. As I make my way down the stairs I see him smilling and looking up at me. He offers me his arm like the true gentleman I remember he was those 20 years ago. I climb into his car, the most recent model of sport car and we are off to God knows where I honestly cant belive I am with my high school sweetheart going to the movies just as if those 20 years never past.


AHHHHHHHH I HAVE 60 V IEWS AND 14 VOTES  YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im gonna post another update soon so sorry for not updaiting b but plllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssse comment  I think I may start putting a question at the end of each thing for you guys to talk about so this week is:

What is your guys favorite book?

Mine is Keeper of the lost cities by Shannon Messenger

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