Chapter 10

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We enter the tacky theare I look around seeing tons of ads of movies soon to come out. We purchase our tickets for "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" I grin since ive wanted to see this movie for a long time since I love the Harry Potter books and movies but being a mother of 4 children that love scaring all the posible babysiters in a 10 mile radious I am kinda stuck at home alot. I feel Edwards hand lace through my fingers I look at our locked hands an grin enjoying his cool hand against my warm skin.

We take our seats and wait for the movie to start. Once the lights dim I feel a curent of electricity rush through my veins blushing hoping it was only me that wanted to reach out and stroke his check with my had so I clench my unocupiad had in a tight fist I hear Edward let out a low chuckle I turn and grin at him.

Nearly 2 hours of pure torture the lights brigten and I climb to my feet stretching since they had both fallen asleep. We climb into the car I sit through sevral minutes of confortable silence until I realize we were not heading towards the house. "Arent we going home?" I ask and nearly face palm from the most idiotic question ever. "No I have a little surprise for you." He says with a coy smirk he must have remembered how much I dislike surprises. I roll my eyes at his smirk and smile a little at his reaction.

Before I knew it we arrived to a cliff overlooking a river I climb out with my jaw slack in surprise at this places utter beauty. The moonlight was the only source of light this far out in the country. I feel 2 arms wrap around my stomache area "What do you think?" I hear him murmur " Its amaizing how did you find it?" I ask in utter disbelif. "I was hunting and I found it I thought of how you would have loved it" He says with and easy smile. He opens the trunk of the car and digs out a red and white blanket and a picnic basket. I role my eyes at that since I remember telling him how I allways wanted to go on a picnic with a real basket soon he digs out a sandwich and juice box for me since he did not eat there was no food for him I dig in to find the sandwich was extra chunky penut butter and jam I give him a knowing smile I told him how when I was 5 I refused to eat anything but penut butter and jam for sevral months until I found a new love..... Nutela. Soon I finished up the meal and just stared off into the distance with a small smile thinking of the times I did these things with Mike soon I felt a tear slide down my check. I feel a pair of arms slowly wrap around my waist he must have noticed the tear "It will be okay." He states that just makes me turn on the water works dosent he know to never tell a pregnat women it will be okay soon I am sobbing loud unatractive sobs. He just holds me and lets it pass. I must have exuasted myself cause soon I begin to drift off to sleep.


Yay I updated! So guess what I am horrible at math  at the beginning of  the semester I started with a 64 now I'm at 71 so that is why I have not been able to update for a while! So I got a letter from my favorite author and had to get kicked outside cause apparently I was being too loud.

So we got  our first snow storm yay the joys of living in Canda anyone want to trade? I would prefer to live in some place where I dont have to sit on blocks of ice if I forget to star my Dads car in the morning.   So heres todays question

What are you guys asking for chrismas or does it snow where you live if you dont celebrate

Im gonna answer the first since you know Im Canadien so its assumed that it snows where I live Im asking for books, books and some more books!

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