Part 8

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I rush into the house the Cullens had gone out hunting for the day and I was home free to the bathroom. I rip open the package and take out the test.I follow the instructions and wait three minutes to get the results. It felt like years before I could check what the test said and I saw 2 blue lines meaning im pregnant with Mikes child.I was equally happy and sad.Happy cause I get another babe but sad cause the child will never have a father.I hear a knock on the door "Bella are you alright are you sick again"I hear Edwards voice on the other side I couldn't answer him I was still in shock about the pregnancy test but that didn't stop him I hear the door creak open and sense him behind me . "Bella are you okay" I hear him ask "Are you sick again?" He asks again. I don't know if I should tell him or not I mean it is kinda not his business but there's a feeling in my heart that I should tell him in my heart so I get out the test from the garbage can I feel his stare on my back "What are you doing" He asks. I finally fish the test out and present him I turn to see him with worry in his eyes his eyes flashes down to see what I had in my hand. His eyes widen with realization about what I was telling him "Your pregnant" He whispers.I nod "Im happy but this baby wont have a Dad at all I mean what if its a boy how am I gonna teach him to play sports or anything like that I say almost crying with worry about the future. He wraps his arms around me cooling any nerves I had before. It will be okay I know it will I will be here with you and all the others I soon find myself drifting to sleep in his arms.


I know its like super short and all but that is what I have left from my last writing splurge so yeah dont forget to Comment Share Follow AND VOTE



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