Chapter 5

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I was woken by my alarm so I rolled out of bed and walked to my bag. I put a vest top on tying the arms of my onesie around my waist before starting my mission to wake the kids.

"Brooklyn, Brooklyn. time for school" I whispered shaking him slowly "GET YOUR FAT ASS OUT OF THIS BED NOW!" I shouted pushing him a bit harder
"I bet you can't roll me out of bed" he said. challenge accepted! I was on the bed rolling him over and over until he was about to fall when he stuck his leg out stopping me.
"What you doing?" Cruz asked walking in the door
"I was bet that I couldn't roll fattie out of his bed so I and trying. come help?" I said still pushing him. Cruz just grabbed his leg and pulled it up off the floor so it made him fall. Cruz ran out and in a split second I was being pulled to the floor too.
"What was that for?" I asked
"Well you know that saying 'drag em down with you?'" he said
"Well it hurts being dragged down" I said rubbing my elbow
'' well to be fair I broke your fall" Brook said. he was right I did land on him.
"Well thank you for being a good pillow but you must get ready for school" I said going out

"Romeo are you ready for school?" I asked through his door
"Yeah ill be down for breakfast in a min" he shouted
"Okay" I moved on to Cruzs room where he was sat in the floor trying to the his laces "need help?" I asked sitting next to him. he just put his foot over towards me so I could tie his lace. "loop. swoop. pull" I showed him "you try in this foot" I said. he did it! "well done mate" I said highfiving him
"I'm going down for breakfast. what is there for breakfast?" he asked
"I haven't made anything sorry buddy. but there's toast, cereal, fruit or a breakfast bar" I said listing the options
"I shall find something" he said running downstairs

Harper was out her crib and playing with toys. how?
"Should we put this dress on you for nursery?" Brook said coming from her wardrobe
"Oh thank god you got her, I thought we had a Houdini" I said
"Haha it's just her outfit is usually chose the night before so I thought I'd do it for you this morning" he said
"Well what do you's want for breakfast and i'll make it while you dress her" I said
"Nutella on toast please" he said
"Bannana bannnnnannna!" Harper said
"She would like a mashed up banana please" Brook translated
"I can manage that, i think" I said mentally preparing myself for what I would do wrong.

"Bye have a good day at school Cruzie" I said ruffling his hair as he walked out the door to the jeep.
"Don't get into trouble okay?" I said to Ro doing our hand shake we made up
"Don't go breaking girls hearts I am not capable of arguing with mothers cause I will be better than them" I said to Brook fixing his tie.
"*cough* hug *cough*" Brook fake coughed
"Oh dear we should get you checked out by a doctor" I joked getting a glare. I gave him a quick hug before ruffling his hair.
"Oh my god! you've just messed my hair up!" he complained
"Oh relax princess you can fix it on the car" I said pushing him out the door.

i took harper to nursarey at 9am before waking back to the big empty house to do some chilling. at three all three boys came running in like rihnos and went straight to the kitchen for food. a old man came in with harper and passed her to me before introducing himself.

"hello i'm the chauffeur and personal body guard, mike. ill always be around somewhere so if you need a lift or someone or something picked up that is my job. i get the children from school and i usually take them but this weekend i went up north to see my sister. im here all the time and if im not doing a job i will be in my room doing something you youngsters think is boring. oh and i am one of the only members of staff that works weekends and holidays, well exceot you but your not staff your practically related to david- he is always talking about how his 'niece' is" he said
"im hannah and i will probbably be working most of the time too! if i ever need anything i will be sure to ask you! maybe we could do a deal over the weekends or something? like maybe if you could take the kids for a hour or two so i could go out with my friends ill make your food or something?"
"yes that will be splendid! thank you very much! i have never been much of a cook myself"
"nor am i to be honest but you know i try"
"well i have to pick up a parcel and run some errands for mr beckham so goodbye for now" mike said quickly pacing out the empty kitchen

"well i suppose i better help the kids with their home work so i must go too!" i said to no one in particular.

"so cruz do we know where the north, east, south and west are?" i asked checking he remembered what id just told himm minutes ago.
"never eat shredded wheat" he said
"well done! high-five!" i said slapping his hand in the air

"you need any help on your homework ro?" i asked going into his room and seeing him at his desk doing his homework.
"no thanks im almost finished it" he said
"alright just shout if you need me tho, ill probbably be up here helping with homework somewhere anyways." i said leaving

i walked into brooklyns room to see him on his bed playing xbox or something like that.
"oi homework!" i said
"okay okay chill yo beans!" he said putting the controller down and sitting at his desk picking his homwork up
"do you need help?" i asked
"No thanks" he said
"i heard you and the other two have footie practise tonight what time is that? maybe we could get another take out?" i said
"Footie is at 5-7 and I suggest you wrap up warm cause it gets cold" he said "and please could you cook something?" he added
"Suppose i'll go see what I can cook" I said

"FOOD IS READY!" I shouted, with in seconds everyone was sat at the table. "wow that was fast its a shame it's still in the oven tho" I said pulling the pie out the oven and serving it up and handing the plates out
"Yum shepherds pie my favourite" Ro said tucking in

"That wasn't half bad" Brook said putting his plate in the sink
"Right so apparently you have chores to do before practise so you better do them" I said
"Oh my god like, you serious?" Brook said
"No I was joking. yes you muppet you have to do your chores" I said
"Alright i'll do my chores if you can tell me what they are"
"Put the bins out, tidy the games room. BAM" I said
"Okay I will be doing my chores, but just so ya know no one likes a smart ass" he said smirking so I smirked back.
"You and Brooklyn are to funny!" Romeo laughed

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